miércoles, 8 de diciembre de 2010

National Quality Measures Clearinghouse | Aged care: Australian Council on Healthcare Standards [1].

Australian Council on Healthcare Standards

* 1. Aged care: percentage of general medical patients 65 years and over who have a documented vitamin D deficiency who are prescribed vitamin D, during the 6 month time period. This updates a previously published measure summary.

National Quality Measures Clearinghouse | Aged care: percentage of general medical patients 65 years and over who have a documented vitamin D deficiency who are prescribed vitamin D, during the 6 month time period.

* 2. Aged care: percentage of medical patients 65 years and older who have had their cognition assessed using a validated tool such as the Abbreviated Mental Test Score (AMTS) or Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), during the 6 month time period. This updates a previously published measure summary.

National Quality Measures Clearinghouse | Aged care: percentage of medical patients 65 years and older who have had their cognition assessed using a validated tool such as the Abbreviated Mental Test Score (AMTS) or Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), during the 6 month time period.

* 3. Aged care: percentage of patients admitted to geriatric medicine or geriatric rehabilitation unit for whom there is documented objective assessment of physical function on admission and at least once more during the inpatient stay, during the 6 month time period. This updates a previously published measure summary.

National Quality Measures Clearinghouse | Aged care: percentage of patients admitted to geriatric medicine or geriatric rehabilitation unit for whom there is documented objective assessment of physical function on admission and at least once more during the inpatient stay, during the 6 month time period.

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