martes, 8 de febrero de 2011

Cross border health care | PlayDecide - POLKA Project

POLKA news 12
Patients' Consensus on Preferred Policy
Scenarii for Rare Diseases
Dear colleague, dear friend,

An historic vote in the European Parliament on 19 January 2011 paved the way for residents to seek health care anywhere in the European Union, expanding rights that would primarily help patients with rare diseases and people living near national borders.

The Cross-border Health Care Directive, penned in 2008, should become effective in 2013. The most obvious beneficiaries will be patients seeking advanced treatments, those living along borders where the nearest hospital is across the line, or those who work in one country but want to get treatment near family members in another country.

''This directive will finally allow us to clarify the patients' rights, which were, until now, totally blurry," said French MEP Françoise Grossetête (European People's Party; EPP), the Parliament's Rapporteur on the directive. ''It was equally important to put in place a mechanism to avoid, as far as possible, that patients have to pay upfront for the transnational health care they receive. Thanks to the Parliament, this is now a done deal," Grossetête said.

EurActiv 20/01/2011

Express your opinion on cross border care! Participate in your national debate on how to transpose the directive in your country! PlayDecide on cross border care!
Cross border health care | PlayDecide

As of February 2011, Hungary and Denmark are the two leaders in terms of Polka PlayDecide sessions organised (each organised more than 10% of sessions).

PlayDecide sessions were played in 18 countries, of which 16 EU/EEA member states (plus Brazil and Canada).

You are welcome to organise more sessions!

The more sessions you organise, the more likely you will receive an Award!


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