lunes, 14 de febrero de 2011

Vaccines: Recs/Vac-Admin/Misperceived Contraindications to Vaccination

Recommendations and Guidelines:
Conditions Commonly Misperceived as Contraindications to Vaccination

Clinicians or other health care providers might misperceive certain conditions or circumstances as valid contraindications or precautions to vaccination when they actually do not preclude vaccination. These misperceptions result in missed opportunities to administer recommended vaccines (ref 1). Among the most common conditions mistakenly considered to be contraindications are diarrhea, minor upper respiratory tract illnesses (including otitis media) with or without fever, mild to moderate local reactions to a previous dose of vaccine, current antimicrobial therapy, and being in the convalescent phase of an acute illness.

full-text (large):
Vaccines: Recs/Vac-Admin/Misperceived Contraindications to Vaccination

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