domingo, 8 de mayo de 2011

Prescrire IN ENGLISH - Spotlight ''Prescrire’s proposals to France’s national conference on medicines policy: patients' interests and public health should come first'', 10 March 2011

Después del escándalo de Mediator (benfluorex) en Francia, Prescrire formula 57 propuestas (fruto de la experiencia de 30 años) para una política de medicamentos al servicio de la salud pública y las necesidades de los pacientes: Criterios más estrictos para autorizar la comercialización, financiación pública de la formación continuada y la información, competencias para las agencias reguladoras; transparencia; farmacovigilancia proactiva...Healthy Skepticism Update for 2011

Prescrire’s proposals to France’s national conference on medicines policy: patients' interests and public health should come first

In the wake of France's Mediator° scandal, Prescrire offers 57 proposals on how to get medicines policy back on course.

The public health disaster caused in France by Mediator° (benfluorex) demonstrated just how inadequate the regulation of the market for medicines is, and how serious the human consequences.

Prescrire has proposed a series of measures to protect the public from any more drugs like Mediator°, and more generally to get medicines policy back on course, with priority given to patients' health needs and to public health.

These recommendations are based on Prescrire’s experience and analysis over the past 30 years, as expressed in a large number of articles published in our French and English editions.They share many of the recommendations made in the French Senate report written by Ms. Hermange and Ms. Payet (2006) and the National Assembly report by Ms. Lemorton (2008).

Prescrire’s proposals have been drawn up in the context of the “Assises du medicament”. This national conference on medicines policy has been convened to discuss what changes ought to be made in light of the multiple failures of the system observed in the Mediator° disaster. Prescrire has accepted the invitation to participate in this conference, as described below.

Prescrire IN ENGLISH - Spotlight ''Prescrire’s proposals to France’s national conference on medicines policy: patients' interests and public health should come first'', 10 March 2011

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