martes, 27 de septiembre de 2016

National Health IT Week: New Whiteboard Video, Twitter Chat with the National Coordinator Banner

National Health IT Week: New Whiteboard Video,
Twitter Chat with the National Coordinator

HIT Week Email Callout
NEW VIDEO: Giving Patients and Providers the Keys to Their Health Data
Today, HHS and ONC released a new whiteboard video highlighting how health IT is foundational to help reform our health care delivery system. During National Health IT Week it is important to remember that we all are working to unlock health care data and put it to work when and where doctors, individuals, and hospitals need it. Read more in this blog post from Dr. Washington and watch the video now.
TODAY: Twitter chat #AskVindell
Join us for a Health IT Week Twitter chat with National Coordinator, Dr. Vindell Washington (@VindellW) at 11:00a.m. ET today. This is your opportunity to hear directly from him on issues impacting the health IT community. Join the conversation and ask your questions using #AskVindell!
Wearables, Social Media, and Your Health Data
Many of us now use wearables and other types of health information technology to help us manage our health and the health of our loved ones. These fitness trackers, their related social media sites, and other technologies are changing the way we interact and control our own health. However, they did not exist when Congress originally enacted the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in 1996. Along with our colleagues at the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), we released a report that discusses the lack of clear guidance around consumer access to, and privacy and security of, health information collected, shared, and used by entities that are not currently covered by HIPAA. You can also check out our blog post explaining the report and why it’s important for you to know about these gaps.
Your Health Information, Your Rights.
HIPAA gives individuals the right to see and get copies of their health information, or share it with a third party, like a family member or a mobile device application. Having easy access to their health information empowers individuals to be more in control of decisions regarding their health and well-being. Individuals can monitor chronic conditions better, understand and stay on track with treatment plans, find and fix errors, and contribute information to research if they choose. To help explain this important right to individuals and health care providers, ONC and OCR have developed easy-to-understand educational tools in English and Spanish. Watch at and help us spread the word!
UPDATED: Security Risk Assessment (SRA) Tool
We recognize that conducting a risk assessment can be a challenging task. That’s why ONC, in collaboration with OCR and the HHS Office of the General Counsel (OGC), developed a downloadable SRA Tool to help guide you through the process. This tool is not required by the HIPAA Security Rule, but is meant to assist providers and professionals as they perform a risk assessment. Download the revised SRA Tool and User Guide.
ICYMI: NEW Health IT Playbook and EHR Contract Guide
Yesterday we released two practical, easy-to-understand tools to help health care providers get the most out of their health IT. The new contract guide explains important concepts in EHR contracts and includes example contract language to help providers and health administrators in planning to acquire an EHR system and negotiating contract terms with vendors. The Health IT Playbook is a dynamic, web-based tool intended to make it easy for providers and their practices to find practical information and guidance on specific topics as they research, buy, use, or switch EHRs. Read more on the ONC Buzz Blog and read feedback about the new tools.
THURSDAY: Model Privacy Notice Twitter Chat
Thursday, September 29Health IT Playbook demo
2 – 3p.m. ET
FRIDAY: Health IT Playbook Demo
Friday, September 30 
2 – 3p.m. ET 
Register for the webinar

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