lunes, 24 de agosto de 2009

Planning and Preparedness for Children's Needs in Public Health Emergencies: Web Conference

Planning and Preparedness for Children's Needs in Public Health Emergencies
AHRQ Public Health Emergency Preparedness Web Conference
May 12, 2009

Within the past decade, there has been marked progress in both emphasizing the crucial differences between adults and children and responding to these with research to help address the needs of children in emergencies. This Web conference will highlight Federal resources available to emergency preparedness practitioners representing State and local agencies, emergency responders, and school personnel to address the special needs of children in public health emergencies.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has developed a range of emergency preparedness planning tools and resources. To showcase the newest resources that address planning for children in emergencies, AHRQ hosted a May 2009 Web conference, Planning and Preparedness for Children's Needs in Public Health Emergencies.

Web Conference
This event featured a panel discussion of pediatric preparedness initiatives and insights from pediatric emergency preparedness planners. During the Web conference, participants learned about some of AHRQ's pediatric emergency preparedness resources, including:

School-Based Emergency Preparedness: A National Analysis and Recommended Protocol

Pediatric Hospital Surge Capacity in Public Health Emergencies

In addition, Webcast attendees heard from the National Commission on Children and Disasters, which is developing pediatric emergency initiatives, and grantees of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response's (ASPR's) Hospital Preparedness Program. Presenters offered perspectives on both clinical preparedness and school-based preparedness.

Emergency preparedness planners, as well as Federal, State, and local community health planners, providers, first responders, and school district personnel were all invited to attend.

Select to access a recording of the Webcast (Transcript; Frequently Asked Questions).

Select to access the slide presentation for the Webcast (Powerpoint® slides, 3.5 MB; Text Version).

Note: To ensure that your computer meets the technical requirements to view the Webcast, go to: WebEx System Requirements.

Edward Boyer, MD, PhD, The Center for Biopreparedness, Division of Emergency Medicine, Children's Hospital Boston and Harvard Medical School.
Sarita Chung, MD, The Center for Biopreparedness, Division of Emergency Medicine, Children's Hospital Boston and Harvard Medical School.
Daniel Dodgen, PhD, Director, Office for At-Risk Individuals, Behavioral Health, and Human Services Coordination, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response.
Bill Modzeleski, MPA, Acting Assistant Deputy Secretary, U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools.
Christopher Revere, MPA, National Commission on Children and Disasters.
Jeffrey Upperman, MD, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Los Angeles County Pediatric Disaster Resource and Training Center.
To learn more about the event and speakers, go to:

For more information, please E-mail:

Current as of August 2009
Internet Citation:
Planning and Preparedness for Children's Needs in Public Health Emergencies. AHRQ Web Conference, May 12, 2009. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.

abrir aquí para acceder al documento AHRQ completo:
Planning and Preparedness for Children's Needs in Public Health Emergencies: Web Conference

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