viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2009

Announcement: Epidemiology in Action: Intermediate Analytic Methods Course

Announcement: Epidemiology in Action: Intermediate Analytic Methods Course
CDC and Emory University's Rollins School of Public Health will cosponsor the course Epidemiology in Action: Intermediate Analytic Methods, January 11--15, 2010, at Emory University's Rollins School of Public Health. The course is designed for practicing public health professionals who have had training and experience in basic applied epidemiology and would like training in additional quantitative skills related to analysis and interpretation of epidemiologic data.

The course includes a review of the fundamentals of descriptive epidemiology and biostatistics, measures of association, normal and binomial distributions, confounding, statistical tests, stratification, logistic regression models, and computer programs as used in epidemiology.

The prerequisite is an introductory course in epidemiology, such as Epidemiology in Action or the International Course in Applied Epidemiology. Tuition will be charged. The application deadline is December 1, 2009, or until all slots have been filled.

Additional information and applications are available by mail (Emory University, Hubert Global Health Dept [Attn: Pia], 1518 Clifton Rd. NE, Rm. 746, Atlanta, GA 30322); by telephone (404-727-3485); by fax (404-727-4590); online (; or by e-mail (

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Announcement: Epidemiology in Action: Intermediate Analytic Methods Course

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