domingo, 18 de abril de 2010

Streamlined Evaluation, Transfer, and Admission Processes Significantly Reduce Waiting Times for Emergency Department Patients Awaiting Admission to..

Streamlined Evaluation, Transfer, and Admission Processes Significantly Reduce Waiting Times for Emergency Department Patients Awaiting Admission to Psychiatric Facility


A multidisciplinary team from Maine Medical Center and Spring Harbor Hospital (Maine Medical Center's affiliated psychiatric facility) streamlined the evaluation, transfer, and admission processes for psychiatric patients presenting to Maine Medical Center's emergency department. The program reduced the average amount of time that these patients spend in the emergency department before being transferred to Spring Harbor Hospital from more than 10 hours to approximately 6 hours.

Evidence Rating
Moderate: The evidence consists of pre- and post-implementation comparisons of key metrics, including average ED LOS and the number of ED patients waiting more than 12 hours before being admitted to a psychiatric facility.

Developing Organizations
Maine Medical Center; Spring Harbor Hospital

Date First Implemented

Patient Population
Geographic Location > City; Vulnerable Populations > Mentally ill

Original publication: April 14, 2010.

Last updated: April 14, 2010.

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