jueves, 24 de junio de 2010

Health Literacy Online--Home: Guide to Writing and Designing Easy-to-Use Health Web Sites

Health Literacy Online: A Guide to Writing and Designing Easy-to-Use Health Web Sites

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) has written a research-based how-to guide for creating health Web sites and Web content for the millions of Americans with limited literacy skills and limited experience using the Web. The strategies in this guide complement accepted principles of good Web design and thus have the potential to improve the online experience for all users, regardless of literacy skills.

This guide is written for Web designers, Web content specialists, and other public health communication professionals. It offers an overview of how to:

Deliver online health information that is actionable and engaging.

Create a health Web site that's easy to use, particularly for people with limited literacy skills and limited experience using the Web.

Evaluate and improve your health Web site with user-centered design.

You can access the guide at: http://www.health.gov/healthliteracyonline/.

open here to download the guidelines:
Health Literacy Online--Home

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