jueves, 24 de febrero de 2011

Announcements: Release of New WISQARS Cost of Injury Reports

Announcements: Release of New WISQARS Cost of Injury Reports
February 25, 2011 / 60(07);215

CDC's Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (WISQARS) is a leading source of injury statistics in the United States. WISQARS is an interactive, web-based query system that provides data on injury deaths, violent deaths, and nonfatal injuries. CDC's National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) is introducing a new WISQARS Cost of Injury Reports module that provide cost estimates for injury deaths, hospitalizations, and emergency department visits in which the patient was treated and released.

Users can use the query system to create tables with medical (e.g., treatment and rehabilitation), work loss (e.g., lost wages, benefits, and self-reported household services), and combined (medical plus work loss) costs based on a number of variables, including intent and mechanism (cause) of injury, body region and diagnosis of injury, geographic location (for deaths only), sex, and age. The WISQARS Cost of Injury Reports module is a valuable tool to help raise awareness of the economic impact of fatal and nonfatal injuries in the United States. Additional information is available at http://www.cdc.gov/injury/wisqars.

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Announcements: Release of New WISQARS Cost of Injury Reports

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