domingo, 29 de mayo de 2011

National Quality Measures Clearinghouse | Cancer - diarrhea: RAND Corporation

Cancer - diarrhea: percentage of patients undergoing chemotherapy who have diarrhea for whom all of the following were assessed: history of onset and duration, number of stools and stool composition, and at least one of the associated symptoms (fever, dizziness, abdominal pain/cramping, nausea/vomiting, decreased performance status, sepsis, fever, bleeding, or dehydration), in order to classify the diarrhea as complicated or uncomplicated.

National Quality Measures Clearinghouse | Cancer - diarrhea: percentage of patients undergoing chemotherapy who have diarrhea for whom all of the following were assessed: history of onset and duration, number of stools and stool composition, and at least one of the associated symptoms (fever, dizziness, abdominal pain/cramping, nausea/vomiting, decreased performance status, sepsis, fever, bleeding, or dehydration), in order to classify the diarrhea as complicated or uncomplicated.

Cancer - diarrhea: percentage of patients undergoing chemotherapy with a high-risk (greater than 10%) of chemotherapy-induced diarrhea for whom an antidiarrheal agent was prescribed on or before treatment was initiated.

National Quality Measures Clearinghouse | Cancer - diarrhea: percentage of patients undergoing chemotherapy with a high-risk (greater than 10%) of chemotherapy-induced diarrhea for whom an antidiarrheal agent was prescribed on or before treatment was initiated.

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