viernes, 27 de abril de 2012

SAMHSA Blog » Blog Archive » Health Data Palooza 2012 – Data Liberation, Collaboration and Innovation

SAMHSA Blog » Blog Archive » Health Data Palooza 2012 – Data Liberation, Collaboration and Innovation

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Health Data Palooza 2012 – Data Liberation, Collaboration and Innovation

26 April 2012
What is the best possible way to highlight and launch new innovation, data, and partnerships based on work from public and private collaboration throughout the year? Well through a palooza of course.
The Health Data Initiative Forum is hosting its third annual Health Datapalooza, June 5th and 6th at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C., which will feature innovators from private sector, such as Thomas Goetz, executive editor of Wired Magazine, Mark Bertolini, CEO and President of Aetna Health Care and innovators from the public sector such as Todd Park, U.S. Chief Technology Officer, Bill Frist, Former U.S. Senator from Tennessee.
In addition to hearing from top innovators, attendees will have the opportunity to check out new application demos, understand how to turn data in to meaningful information to address business problems, and see a variety of innovative solutions aiding in direct care, tools for the community, or for consumers directly.
Data often drives many of the decisions made in both public and private industry and provides information on which new programs, applications and processes are built, but often times accessing that data is a challenge. Recognizing that data is an important foundation to innovation, as part of the U.S. Health and Human Services Department Open Government Plan, in 2010 HHS and the Institute of Medicine launched the Health Data Initiative (HDI). Since the launch in 2010, hundreds of new data sets have been posted on and new processes have been adopted to facilitate the sharing of data.
Health Datapalooza provides a great picture of the next steps taken after data is liberated and is publicly shared. It features partnerships between entrepreneurs and public sector; it demonstrates innovative solutions to some of the biggest problems in health care and provides an opportunity for others, in both the public and private sector to become involved.
Register now to attend and be part of the palooza! Follow the event live on Twitter using the hashtag #healthdata.
Can’t make the Health Datapalooza on June 5th and 6th but have an interest in how to use data? The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is hosting first Behavioral Health Data Users Conference August 8 – 10, 2012 at the Renaissance Washington, DC Downtown Hotel. The conference will include a series of plenary, discussion, and hands-on training sessions on how to use SAMHSA’s survey data collections, including—
The Conference will provide people a more in-depth understanding and an opportunity to share feedback on SAMHSA’s data.
The Data Users Conference will immediately follow the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) 2012 National Conference on Health Statistics, fostering synergy and networking opportunities for both groups of data users. On August 8, the two conferences will join for collaborative sessions.
Those interested in learning more about SAMHSA’s mental health and substance use data should attend.
Registration is free. Space is limited, so please register today! If you have additional questions for SAMHSA, please contact Tarah Griep at
SAMHSA Blog » Blog Archive » Health Data Palooza 2012 – Data Liberation, Collaboration and Innovation

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