jueves, 30 de agosto de 2012

[Register] September Webinars About the Tribal Law and Order Act

[Register] September Webinars About the Tribal Law and Order Act

Register for September Webinars About the Tribal Law and Order Act
Please plan to join us in September for two free webinars (PDF - 812 KB) that will outline federally coordinated efforts to address the substance abuse problems and enhancements to tribal justice systems for American Indians and Alaska Natives. The presentations will include Federal staff, field experts, and/or tribal representatives who will detail the progress on key responses to the Tribal Law and Order Act (TLOA). Those who would benefit from these webinars include tribes, organizations, and individuals who work with tribal populations.

Interagency Memorandum of Agreement and Tribal Action Plans (PDF - 366 KB)
September 12, 2012 | 2:00–3:30 p.m. Eastern Time
  • Address alcohol and substance abuse problems faced by American Indians and Alaska Natives.
  • Introduce various coordination efforts among Federal departments.
  • Become familiar with opportunities under the act addressing Tribal Action Plans (TAPs).
  • Learn about existing tribal efforts to develop a TAP.
  • Become familiar with current interagency efforts to assist tribes in their efforts to develop a TAP.

  • Provide an overview of the Tribal Justice Plan (TJP) and accomplishments to date.
  • Inform participants on progress made to implement recommendations in the TJP, including detention, alternatives to detention, and offender reentry.
  • Explain the work group structure to further implement recommendations.
  • Share information on future consultation and meetings with tribal leaders and tribal justice practitioners.

For questions about either of these webinars or registration, please contact:
Sarah S. Pearson
Tribal Youth Justice Fellow
Phone: 202-514-1338
Email: sarah.pearson@usdoj.gov

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