sábado, 29 de septiembre de 2012

Hospitals Open Door Forum | Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Hospitals Open Door Forum | Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services 

Hospitals Open Door Forum

**Updated September 28, 2012 - CMS will hold a National Provider Call on  Medicare Provider Enrollment on Wednesday, October 10; 1-2:30pm ET. CMS will provide Updates on Revalidation, Billing for  Ordered/Referred Services and PECOS Enhancements  For more information and to register, go to the National Provider Calls website: http://www.cms.gov/Outreach-and-Education/Outreach/NPC/National-Provider-Calls-and-Events-Items/2012-10-10-PECOS-Enhancements.html
Registration is open until noon ET the day of the call.
**Updated September 28, 2012 - CMS has posted its Preliminary Decisions on the Recommendations of the Hospital Outpatient Payment Panel on Supervision Levels for Individual Services. These preliminary decisions are open for public comment for 30 days through October 24, 2012, and the posting provides instructions for submitting a comment. Additional information is available on the Hospital Outpatient PPS web page: http://cms.hhs.gov/Medicare/Medicare-Fee-for-Service-Payment/HospitalOutpatientPPS/index.html
**Updated September 27, 2012 - The transcript and audio file from the September 20, 2012 Long-Term Care Hospital Quality Reporting Special Open Door Forum is now available in the Downloads section of the Special Open Door Forum Page: http://www.cms.gov/Outreach-and-Education/Outreach/OpenDoorForums/ODFSpecialODF.html
**Updated September 17, 2012 - The next Hospital & Hospital Quality Open Door Forum is scheduled for Wednesday, September 19, 2012, from 2:00pm – 3:00pm, ET. If you wish to participate, dial 1-800-837-1935; Conference ID: 76245290. Please see the full participation announcement in the Downloads section below. Thank you for your continued interest in the CMS Open Door Forums.
**Updated September 17, 2012 - IRF Quality Reporting Program Special Open Door Forum Series *
Thursday, September 20; 1-2:30pm ET
Please join us for the 3rd in the 4 part series of Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (IRF) Quality Reporting Program Special Open Door Forums.
 Public dial-in number:  800-837-1935
 Conf. ID Number: 25074257
The main focus of this Special Open Door Forum will be issues related to the reporting of pressure ulcer data (i.e. - staging of pressure ulcers, documentation of pressures in the Quality Indicator section of the IRF-PAI, etc.).  However, other topics may be discussed as well.  Also, at the conclusion of this Open Door Forum, we will offer a Question and Answer session, in which we invite any questions that are related to the IRF Quality Reporting Program.
Please let us know the topics that you would like us address at the September 20 and October 18 Special Open Door Forums. Please e-mail your ideas to:  IRF.questions@CMS.hhs.gov
The 4th and final Special Open Door Forum in this series will be held on Thursday, October 18 from 1-2:30pm ET. Call in information will be provided approximately 1-2 weeks prior to the date of the Special Open Door Forum.
**Updated September 14, 2012 – Please see the Downloads section below for important ACA 3004: Long Term Care Hospital Announcements for details pertaining to this important update information:
• The CMS LASER (LTCH Assessment Submission Entry Reporting) software is now posted on the QIES Technical Support Office Website: www.qtso.com.
• LASER is also undergoing its posting on the CMS website
• CMS has made available the last two new recorded training sessions for LTCHs on the QIES Technical Support Office (QTSO) website (www.qtso.com):
1. The LTCH Assessment Submission Process
2. CASPER Reports for LTCHs
• This completes the posting of all webex trainings pertaining to LTCH CARE Data Submission and LASER.
• An Errata Document Titled LTCH QRP Manual Errata Sheet-Sept 2012, has been posted.
• The slides used during the August 30, 2012 LTCH Special Open Door Forum (SODF)  where Section M of the LTCH QRP Manual was reviewed, as well as FAQs submitted to the LTCH QRP help desk mailbox are now posted
• The next LTCH SODF will be held on Thursday, September 20, 2012 from 2:30pm – 4:00pm.
**Updated September 10, 2012 - CMS has made available two new recorded training sessions for IRFs on the QIES Technical Support Office (QTSO) website.  The sessions are as follows:
1. IRF-PAI Assessment Submission Process – provides the necessary instructions for submitting IRF-PAI assessment data to the ASAP IRF-PAI Submission System beginning October 1, 2012.
2. CASPER Reports for IRFs – provides information about accessing and interpreting the ASAP system-generated IRF-PAI Facility Final Validation Report, identifies other reports available to IRFs and gives an overview of the basic functionality of the CASPER Reporting application.
• The recordings can be accessed via the e-University page on the QTSO website at https://www.qtso.com/webex/qiesclasses.php .
• Please contact the QTSO Help Desk at (800) 339-9313 or help@qtso.com if you have questions regarding this training session.
**Updated September 5, 2012 - The slides for the Manual Medical Review of Therapy Claims Special Open Door Forum are now available in the Downloads section below. If you wish to participate, dial: 1-877-251-0301; Conference ID: 23782155.
**Updated August 31, 2012 - The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will hold a Special Open Door Forum on the Manual Medical Review of Therapy Claims on September 5, 2012, from 2:00pm-3:30pm, ET. If you wish to participate, dial: 1-877-251-0301; Conference ID: 23782155. Please see the Downloads section below for the announcement with full participation instructions.
**Updated March 19, 2012 - The IRF-PAI Submission Specifications Version 1.10.1 are now posted:
These are the final IRF-PAI data submission specifications, which are in effect on October 1, 2012. An Item Change Report and an Edit Change Report identifying changes since Draft Version 1.10.0 are included in the .zip file.
IRF-PAI Data Specifications v1.10.1.zip file can be found under downloads on the IRF Software web page:
**Updated March 14, 2012 - The Draft LTCH CARE Data Set Version 1.00.1 Specifications for October, 2012 are now posted. A Specification Change document identifying changes since Draft Version 1.00.0 is included in the .zip file. Final specifications will be posted in the near future. The specifications can be found on the CMS web page:
http://www.cms.gov/LTCH-Quality-Reporting/ . Specifically, please see the Downloads Section of that web page. The .zip file containing the updated "Draft" LTCH CARE Data Submission Specifications (v1.00.1) is located there.
See Submission Specifications (v1.00.1) The files within this .zip are:
„X LTCH Data Submission Spec Changes (v1.00.1) 20120305.pdf
„X LTCH 1.0 data specs overview (v1.00.1) DRAFT 20120305.pdf
„X LTCH data dictionary (v1.00.1) DRAFT 20120305.zip
„X LTCH data specs CSV files (v1.00.1) DRAFT 20120305.zip
„X LTCH data specs HTML files (v1.00.1) DRAFT 20120305.zip
„X LTCH data specs PDF files (v1.00.1) DRAFT 20120305.zip
Hospital & Hospital Quality Open Door Forum (ODF) Overview:
The Hospital Open Door Forum (ODF), addresses the concerns and questions of the Hospital service setting, The very broad scope of topics discussed within this forum, include payment, coverage, conditions of participation, billing, and many other current issues that are related to policy implementation. The Inpatient PPS, Outpatient PPS, provisions of the Affordable Care Act and other laws that affect the setting are all covered, and a recurring update from the areas of the Hospital Quality Initiative including the Hospital CAHPS initiative. Timely announcements and clarifications regarding important rulemaking, agency program initiatives, and other related areas are also included in the forums.

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