lunes, 1 de abril de 2013

Comparative-effectiveness Research to Aid Population Decision Making by Relating Clinical Outcomes and Quality-adjusted Life Years | Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality (AHRQ)

Comparative-effectiveness Research to Aid Population Decision Making by Relating Clinical Outcomes and Quality-adjusted Life Years | Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality (AHRQ)

Comparative-effectiveness Research to Aid Population Decision Making by Relating Clinical Outcomes and Quality-adjusted Life Years

Articles of Interest, March 15, 2013

A weekly compilation of articles appearing in recently released journals and newsletters, including articles funded by AHRQ or authored by AHRQ researchers, mentioning or discussing AHRQ staff, activities, and publications/products, or other research using AHRQ data or products.
This weekly compilation of articles appearing in recently released journals and newsletters includes:
  • Articles funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) or authored by AHRQ researchers.
  • Articles mentioning or discussing AHRQ staff, activities, and publications/products.
  • Articles related to AHRQ-funded Evidence-based Practice Centers.
  • Articles related to the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force or Put Prevention into Practice program.
  • Articles mentioning the National Healthcare Disparities Report and National Healthcare Quality Report.
  • Other research using AHRQ data or products.

AHRQ-Funded/Authored Articles

Clinical Therapeutics
Campbell JD, Zerzan J, Garrison LP, Libby AM. Comparative-effectiveness research to aid population decision making by relating clinical outcomes and quality-adjusted life years. Clin Ther 2013 Mar 8. [Epub ahead of print. Supported by grant K12 HS19464 as part of the Colorado Comparative Effectiveness Research K12 Training Program (to first, second, and fourth authors; cites What is Comparative Effectiveness Research, as published on AHRQ's Effective Health Care Program Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

Epilepsy Research
Schlitz NK, Koroukian SM, Lhatoo SD, et al. Temporal trends in pre-surgical evaluations and epilepsy surgery in the U.S. from 1998 to 2009. Epilepsy Res 2013 Feb; 103(2-3):270-8. [Supported by grant 5 T32 HS00059-18 (to first author); uses 1998-2009 HCUP NIS data, citing HCUP NIS Trends Supplemental Files, 2008, and Introduction to the HCUP Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS), 2009, both published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

JAMA Internal Medicine
Doshi P, Jefferson T. The first 2 years of the European Medicines Agency's policy on access to documents: secret no longer. JAMA Intern Med 2013 Mar 11; 173(5):380-2. [Supported in part by institutional training grant T32 HS19488; see comments by Steinbrook (JAMA Intern Med, 2013) cited in AHRQ-Related Articles below.]

Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association
Flanagan ME, Saleem JJ, Millitello LG, et al. Paper- and computer-based workarounds to electronic health record use at three benchmark institutions. J Am Med Inform Assoc 2013 Mar 14. [Epub ahead of print. Supported by contract HHSA 290-06-00013-3; cites AHRQ-funded systematic review by Chaudhry et al. (Ann Intern Med, 2006) on the impact of health information technology on quality, efficiency, and costs of medical care, prepared by the Southern California-University of California at San Francisco EPC.] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of General Internal Medicine
Cherlin EJ, Curry LA, Thompson JW, et al. Features of high quality discharge planning for patients following acute myocardial infarction. J Gen Intern Med 2013 Mar; 28(3):436-43. [Supported in part by grant AHRQ R01 HS16929-1.] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of Urology
Anderson CB, Penson DF, Ni S, et al. Centralization of radical prostatectomy in the United States. J Urol 2013 Feb; 189(2):500-6. [Supported by grant 1 R01 HS19356-01 (to second author); uses 2000-2008 Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) data; cites AHRQ-funded systematic review by Wilt et al. (J Urol, 2008) on the association between hospital and surgeon radical prostatectomy volume and patient outcomes, prepared by the Minnesota Evidence-based Practice Center (EPC) under contract 290-02-0009.] Select to access the abstract.

Medical Care
Lee BY, Bartsch SM, Wong KF, et al. The importance of nursing homes in the spread of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) among hospitals. Med Care 2013 Mar; 51(3):205-15. [Supported in part by contract HHSA 290-2005-0033-I as part of the Developing Evidence to Inform Decisions about Effectiveness (DEcIDE) program.] Select to access the abstract.

Goulet JL, Brandt C, Crystal S, et al. Agreement between electronic medical record-based and self-administered pain numeric rating scale: clinical and research implications. Med Care 2013 Mar; 51(3):245-50. [Supported in part by grant U18 HS16097.] Select to access the abstract.

Rubinson L, Mutter R, Viboud C, Hupert N, Uyeki T, Creanga A, Finelli L, Iwashyna TJ, Carr B,
Merchant R, Katikineni D, Vaughn F, Clancy C, et al. Impact of the Fall 2009 influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 pandemic on U.S. hospitals. Med Care 2013 Mar; 51(3):259-65. [Second and thirteenth authors are a researcher in AHRQ's Center for Delivery, Organization, and Markets and the AHRQ director, respectively; links 2009 HCUP State Inpatient Databases (SID) and State Emergency Department Databases (SEDD) data (both accessed on AHRQ's HCUP Web site) with the CDC's Influenza-Like Illness Surveillance Program data, citing HCUP Databases, 2003-2009, as published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site; uses the Elixhauser version of the HCUP Comorbidity Software Version 3.5, 2010, and the State Inpatient Quality Indicator module of the AHRQ Quality Indicator Software, Version 4.2, citing AHRQ's Elixhauser comorbidity measures (Elixhauser et al., Med Care, 1998), "Table 2, "Definitions of Comorbidities, Comorbidity Software version 3.5 / 2010" in Comorbidity Software, Version 3.5, 2010 (as published on the AHRQ's HCUP Web site), and "IQI #15: Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) Mortality Rate" in AHRQ Quality Indicators: Inpatient Quality Indicators, Technical Specifications, Version 4.2, 2010, as published on AHRQ's Quality Indicators Web site; uses the All Patient Refined DRG (APR-DRG) severity of illness subclass, citing NIS Description of Data Elements, as published on the AHRQ's HCUP Web site; cites AHRQ publication, Frequency and Costs of Hospital Admissions for Injury, 2004, HCUP Statistical Brief 18, 2006 (as published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site).] Select to access the abstract.

Medical Decision Making
Wittenberg E, Ritter GA, Prosser LA. Evidence of spillover of illness among household members: EQ-5D scores from a US sample. Med Decis Making 2013 Feb; 33(2):235-43. [Supported by grant 7 K02 HS14010 (to first author); uses 2000-2003 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) data, citing AHRQ publications, Sample Design of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Household Component, 1998-2007, MEPS Methodology Report 22, 2008, and U.S. Valuation of the EuroQol EQ-5D™ Health States, 2012, citing Calculating the U.S. Population-based EQ-5D Index Score: Research Initiative in Clinical Economics, 2005, as published on the AHRQ Web site).] Select to access the abstract.

Thompson RT, Bennett WE Jr, Finnell SM, et al. Increased length of stay and costs associated with weekend admissions for failure to thrive. Pediatrics 2013 Mar; 131(3):e805-e810. [Supported by training grant HS17588-02 (to first author).] Select to access the abstract.

Sanders RC Jr, Giuliano JS Jr, Sullivan JE, et al. Level of trainee and tracheal intubation outcomes. Pediatrics 2013 Mar; 131(3):e821-e828. [Supported in part by grant 1 R03 HS21583-01.] Select to access the abstract.

Zima BT, Murphy JM, Scholle SH, et al. National quality measures for child mental health care: background, progress, and next steps. Pediatrics 2013 Mar; 131(Suppl 1):S38-S49. [Supported in part by grants 1 U18 HS20506, U18 HS20503, and 1 U18 HS20498; describes development of the CHIPRA initial core measure set by AHRQ in collaboration with CMS and other organizations, citing AHRQ publications, CHIPRA Core Set Candidate Measures: Follow Up After Hospitalization for Mental Illness, 2012, 2012 Annual Progress Report to Congress: National Strategy for Quality Improvement in Health Care, 2012, Request for Public Comment on Initial, Recommended Core Set of Children's Healthcare Quality Measures for Voluntary Use by Medicaid and CHIP Programs, Federal Register Notice 2474-NC-CMS 2009, and Background Report on Request for Public Comment on Initial, Recommended Core Set of Children's Healthcare Quality Measures for Voluntary Use by Medicaid and CHIP Programs, 2009, all published on the AHRQ Web site; cites AHRQ publication, Clinical Practice Guideline Development: Methodology Perspectives, 1995; cites USPSTF recommendations on screening and treatment for major depressive disorder in children and adolescents and USPSTF-sponsored evidence review on screening for child and adolescent depression in primary care settings (both in Pediatrics, 2009); cites CAHPS Health Plan Survey 4.0: Medicaid Version, as published on the AHRQ Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

Kleinman LC, Dougherty D. Assessing quality improvement in health care: theory for practice. Pediatrics 2013 Mar; 131(Suppl 1):S110-S119. [Second author is a researcher in AHRQ's Office of Extramural Research, Education, and Priority Populations; mentions AHRQ/CMS development and guidance of seven Centers of Excellence and two state Medicaid programs in the Pediatric Quality Measures Program; cites Measuring Healthcare Quality and Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (CHIPRA), both published on the AHRQ Web site; cites The National Quality Strategy (NQS), as published on AHRQ's Working for Quality Web site; cites AHRQ publication, Assessing the Evidence for Context-Sensitive Effectiveness and Safety, Chapter 12: Description of Ideal Evaluation Methods: Quantitative Approaches to Context Heterogeneity, 2010; cites AHRQ-sponsored IOM publication, Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century, 2001.] Select to access the abstract.

Stundner O, Kirksey M, Chiu YL, Mazumdar M, et al. Demographics and perioperative outcome in patients with depression and anxiety undergoing total joint arthroplasty: a population-based study. Psychosomatics 2013 Mar; 54(2):149-57. [Supported by Center for Education, Research, and Therapeutics (CERTs) grant U18 HS01675 (to third and fourth authors); uses 2000-2008 HCUP NIS data, citing Introduction to the HCUP Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS), 2009, as published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site; also uses the AHRQ-funded adaptation of the Charlson comorbidity index described in AHRQ-funded article by Deyo, Cherkin, and Ciol (J Clin Epidemiol, 1992).] Select to access the abstract.

Newman-Toker DE, Tehrani AS, Mantokoudis G, et al. Quantitative video-oculography to help diagnose stroke in acute vertigo and dizziness: toward an ECG for the eyes. Stroke 2013 Mar 5. [Epub ahead of print. Supported in part by grant R18 HS17690. Also refer to article by Thompson et al. (Pediatrics, 2013) cited in U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF)/Put Prevention Into Practice (PPIP)-Related Articles and articles by Guise et al. (J Clin Epidemiol, 2013) and Forman-Hoffman et al. (Pediatrics, 2013) cited in Evidence-based Practice Centers-Related Articles.] Select to access the abstract.

AHRQ-Related Articles

Khullar D, Schroeder SA, Maa J. Helping smokers quit around the time of surgery. JAMA 2013 Mar 13; 309(10):993-4. [Cites AHRQ-sponsored guideline, Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update, 2008.]

Fiore MC, Baker TB. Should clinicians encourage smoking cessation for every patient who smokes? JAMA 2013 Mar 13; 309(10):1032-3. [Cites AHRQ-sponsored guideline, Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update, 2008; comments on article by Khullar, Schroeder, and Maa cited above in this section.]

JAMA Internal Medicine
Steinbrook R. The European Medicines Agency and the brave new world of access to clinical trial data. JAMA Intern Med 2013 Mar 11;173(5):373-4. [Comments on AHRQ-funded article by Doshi and Jefferson et al. (JAMA Intern Med, 2013), cited in AHRQ-Funded/Authored Articles.]

Michtalik HJ, Yeh HC, Pronovost PJ, et al. Impact of attending physician workload on patient care: a survey of hospitalists. JAMA Intern Med 2013 Mar 11; 173(5):375-7. [Cites AHRQ-funded article by Needleman et al. (N Engl J Med, 2011).]

Steinman MA. Reaching out to patients to identify adverse drug reactions and nonadherence: necessary but not sufficient. JAMA Intern Med 2013 Mar 11; 173(5):375-94. [Cites AHRQ-funded articles by Steinman et al. (J Am Geriatr Soc, 2011), Weingart et al. (Arch Intern Med, 2005), and others.]

Chatterjee P, Joynt KE, Jha AK. Safety-net hospitals: other hospitals score similarly on patient experience-reply. JAMA Intern Med 2013 Mar 11; 173(5):390-1. [Replies to comments on authors' article (Arch Intern Med, 2012), which uses Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) survey data; cites AHRQ publication, Serving the Uninsured: Safety-Net Hospitals, 2003, HCUP Fact Book 8, 2007.]

Journal of General Internal Medicine
Phillips AW, Yuen TC, Retzer E, et al. Supplementing cross-cover communication with the patient acuity rating. J Gen Intern Med 2013 Mar; 28(3):406-11. [Cites Fumbled Handoff, 2004, as published on AHRQ's WebM&M Web site; notes that fifth author is on the editorial board of AHRQ's WebM&M.] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare
Hudson MF. A primer of research strategies undertaken in health centers. J Multidiscip Healthc 2013 Mar 14; 6:93-8. [Gives AHRQ's definition of quality health care from AHRQ landing page A Quick Look at Quality, as published on AHRQ's Archive Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

Medical Care
Smith KA, Sussman JB, Bernstein SJ, et al. Improving the reliability of physician "report cards." Med Care 2013 Mar; 51(3):266-74. [Cites AHRQ-funded articles by O'Connor et al. (Prev Chronic Dis, 2008), Rosenthal et al. (N Engl J Med, 2006), Hofer et al. (JAMA, 1999), and others.] Select to access the abstract.

Austin PC, Reeves MJ. The relationship between the C-statistic of a risk-adjustment model and the accuracy of hospital report cards: a Monte Carlo study. Med Care 2013 Mar; 51(3):275-84. [Mentions methodologies used in AHRQ-authored article by Pine, Jordan, Elixhauser (researcher in AHRQ's Center for Delivery, Organization, and Markets) et al. (JAMA, 2007).] Select to access the abstract.

Cohen AN, Chinman MJ, Hamilton AB, et al. Using patient-facing kiosks to support quality improvement at mental health clinics. Med Care 2013 Mar; 51 Suppl:S13-S20. [Cites article by Dixon et al. (Schizophr Bull, 2010) on the AHRQ-sponsored Schizophrenia Patient Outcomes Research

Team (PORT) and AHRQ-funded article by Wells et al. (JAMA, 2000).] Select to access the abstract.
Shimada S, Hogan T, Rao S, et al. Patient-provider secure messaging in VA: variations in adoption and association with urgent care utilization. Med Care 2013 Mar; 51 Suppl:S21-S28. [Cites AHRQ-sponsored IOM report, Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century, 2001, and AHRQ-funded article by Harris et al. (Diabetes Care, 2009).]

Trafton JA, Greenberg G, Harris AH, et al. VHA Mental Health Information System: applying health information technology to monitor and facilitate implementation of VHA Uniform Mental Health Services Handbook requirements. Med Care 2013 Mar; 51 Suppl:S29-S36. [Cites AHRQ-funded article by Bates et al. (J Am Med Inform Assoc, 2003).] Select to access the abstract.

Medical Decision Making
Ara R, Wailoo AJ. Estimating health state utility values for joint health conditions: a conceptual review and critique of the current evidence. Med Decis Making 2013 Feb; 33(2):139-53. [Mentions the use of EQ-5D data from MEPS in reviewed studies by Janssen and Bonsel (Proc EuroQol Group, 2008) and Fu and Kattan (Med Care, 2008).] Select to access the abstract.

MedSurg Nursing
Tzeng HM, Yin CY, Schneider TE. Medication error-related issues in nursing practice. Medsurg Nurs 2013 Jan-Feb; 22(1):13-16, 50. [Briefly describes and cites AHRQ/National Council on Patient Information and Education 2011 patient guide, Your Medicine: Be Smart. Be Safe, and AHRQ's 20 Tips to Help Prevent Medical Errors: Patient Fact Sheet, 2011, both published on the AHRQ Web site; cites AHRQ publication, Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-based Handbook for Nurses, 2008; cites AHRQ-funded articles by Poon et al. (N Engl J Med, 2010), Burroughs et al. (Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf, 2007), and Rothschild et al. (Crit Care Med, 2005).]

Nephrology Nursing Journal
Koester L. Exploring the reasons for the tiny percentage of patients on home hemodialysis. Nephrol Nurs J 2013 Jan-Feb; 40(1):43-9. [Cites AHRQ publication, Patient Self-Management Support Programs: An Evaluation. Final Contract Report, 2007, as published on the AHRQ Web site.]

Nursing Economic$
Haas S, Swan BA, Haynes T. Developing ambulatory care registered nurse competencies for care coordination and transition management. Nurs Econ 2013 Jan-Feb; 31(1):44-9, 43. [Mentions the challenges involved in managing people with complex health care needs, citing AHRQ publication, Coordinating Care for Adults With Complex Care Needs in the Patient-Centered Medical Home: Challenges and Solutions, 2012.] Select to access the abstract.

Kit BK, Simon AE, Brody DJ, et al. U.S. prevalence and trends in tobacco smoke exposure among children and adolescents with asthma. Pediatrics 2013 Mar; 131(3):407-14. [Cites AHRQ-sponsored guideline, Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update, 2008.] Select to access the abstract.
Zickafoose JS, Clark SJ, Sakshaug JW, et al. Readiness of primary care practices for medical home certification. Pediatrics 2013 Mar; 131(3):473-82. [Cites AHRQ-funded articles by Hollingsworth et al. (Health Serv Res, 2012) and Bitton, Martin, and Landon (J Gen Intern Med, 2010).] Select to access the abstract.

McCarthy C. Pediatricians and television: it's time to rethink our messaging and our efforts. Pediatrics 2013 Mar; 131(3):589-90. [Cites AHRQ-funded article by Christakis et al. (J Pediatr, 2004).]
Harper NS, Eddleman S, Lindberg DM. The utility of follow-up skeletal surveys in child abuse.

Pediatrics 2013 Mar; 131(3):e672-e678. [Cites findings on fractures from child abuse from articles by Leventhal, Martin, and Asnes (Pediatrics, 2010 and 2008), both of which use various HCUP Kids' Inpatient Database (KID) datasets.] Select to access the abstract.

Smith AJ, Skow A, Bodurtha J, et al. Health information technology in screening and treatment of child obesity: a systematic review. Pediatrics 2013 Mar; 131(3):e894-e902. [Cites AHRQ-funded articles by Tang et al. (J Gen Intern Med, 2012) and Shaikh et al. (Acad Pediatr, 2012, and Inform Prim Care, 2010).] Select to access the abstract.

Barry CL, Chien AT, Normand SL, et al. Parity and out-of-pocket spending for children with high mental health or substance abuse expenditures. Pediatrics 2013 Mar; 131(3):e903-e911. [Cites AHRQ-authored article by Briggs-Gowan, Owens (researcher in AHRQ's Center for Delivery, Organization, and Markets) et al. (J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 2003).] Select to access the abstract.

Kleinman LC, Runyan DK. Moving the discourse on quality in pediatrics: recent contributions of Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Clinical Scholars. Pediatrics 2013 Mar; 131(Suppl 1):S1-S4. [Notes the prominence of children's health in AHRQ's "annual report on disparities" and the importance of AHRQ's HCUP and MEPS databases for studying children's health and health quality; mentions the establishment of the AHRQ-sponsored Pediatric Quality Measures Program, citing Pediatric Quality Measures Program (PQMP) Centers of Excellence Grant Awards, 2012, as published on the AHRQ Web site, and mentions the first author's leadership in organizing two AHRQ-sponsored conferences on the science of quality improvement; comments on articles by Zima et al.
and Kleinman and Dougherty (both in Pediatrics, 2013) cited in AHRQ-Funded/Authored Articles, articles by Coker et al., Leu et al., and Jan et al. (Pediatrics, 2013) cited below in this section, article by Zima et al. (Pediatrics, 2013), and articles by Lara et al., Patrick, Schumacher, and Davis, and Patrick et al. (all in Pediatrics, 2013) cited in Research by Others Using AHRQ Data or Products; cites AHRQ-authored articles by Clancy (AHRQ director) et al. (Health Serv Res, 2012) and Davis, Gross, and Clancy (Health Serv Res, 2012).]

Coker TR, Windon A, Moreno C, et al. Well-child care clinical practice redesign for young children: a systematic review of strategies and tools. Pediatrics 2013 Mar; 131(Suppl 1):S5-S25. [Cites AHRQ-funded articles by Poon et al. (Stud Health Technol Inform, 2007), Minkovitz et al. (Pediatrics, 2007), Christakis et al. (Pediatrics, 2006), and McConnochie et al. (Ambul Pediatr, 2006).]

Leu MG, Morelli SA, Chung O, et al. Systematic update of computerized physician order entry order sets to improve quality of care: a case study. Pediatrics 2013 Mar; 131(Suppl 1):S60-S67. [Cites AHRQ publication, Electronic Health Record Usability: Vendor Practices and Perspectives, 2010; cites AHRQ-funded article by Teufel, Kazley, and Basco (Clin Pediatr, 2009).]

Jan S, Slap G, Dai D, et al. Variation in surgical outcomes for adolescents and young adults with inflammatory bowel disease. Pediatrics 2013 Mar; 131(Suppl 1):S81-S89. [Cites AHRQ-funded articles by Feudtner et al. (Pediatrics, 2002 and 2001); cites articles by Masoomi et al. (Arch Surg, 2012) and Ananthakrishnan, McGinley, and Binion (Am J Gastroenterol, 2008), both of which use various HCUP NIS datasets.]


U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF)/Put Prevention Into Practice (PPIP)-Related Articles

JAMA Internal Medicine
Prochazka AV, Caverly T. General health checks in adults for reducing morbidity and mortality from disease: summary review of primary findings and conclusions. JAMA Intern Med 2013 Mar 11; 173(5):371-2. [Cites USPSTF recommendations in Guide to Clinical Preventive Services, 2010-2011, 2010.]

Howard DH. Prostate cancer screening and incidence: a question of causality-reply. JAMA Intern Med 2013 Mar 11; 173(5):392-3. [Mentions USPSTF updated 2012 prostate cancer screening recommendations (JAMA, 2012); cites USPSTF-sponsored article by Woolf and Atkins (Am J Prev Med, 2001) on USPSTF methodologies and review processes.]

Cooper GS, Kou TD, Rex DK. Complications following colonoscopy with anesthesia assistance: a population-based analysis. JAMA Intern Med 2013 Mar 11. [Epub ahead of print. Cites USPSTF recommendations on screening for colorectal cancer (Ann Intern Med, 2008).] Select to access the abstract.

Sheffield KM, Han Y, Kuo YF, et al. Potentially inappropriate screening colonoscopy in Medicare patients: variation by physician and geographic region. JAMA Intern Med 2013 Mar 11. [Epub ahead of print. Cites USPSTF recommendations on screening for colorectal cancer and associated decision analysis by Zauber et al. and targeted, updated systematic review by Whitlock et al. (all in Ann Intern Med, 2008); cites USPSTF-sponsored article by Sheridan et al. (Am J Prev Med, 2004) on shared decision making about screening and chemoprevention.] Select to access the abstract.

Torke AM, Schwartz PH, Holtz LR, et al. Older adults and forgoing cancer screening: "I think it would be strange." JAMA Intern Med 2013 Mar 11. [Epub ahead of print. Briefly discusses updated 2012 USPSTF recommendations on screening for colorectal cancer and cervical cancer, citing USPSTF-sponsored article by Leipzig, Whitlock, Wolff, Barton (third and fourth authors are, respectively, researchers in AHRQ's Center for Primary Care, Prevention, and Clinical Partnerships and Center for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety) et al. (Ann Intern Med, 2010) on approaches to prevention recommendations for older adults; cites USPSTF recommendations in Guide to Clinical Preventive Services, 2010-2011, 2012, as published on the AHRQ Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

Wernli KJ, Inadomi JM. Anesthesia for colonoscopy: too much of a good thing? JAMA Intern Med 2013 Mar 11. [Epub ahead of print. Cites USPSTF-sponsored evidence summary on screening for colorectal cancer in adults at average risk (Ann Intern Med, 2002); comments on article by Cooper, Kou, and Rex cited above in this section.]

Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants
Godley DR. Assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of developmental dysplasia of the hip. JAAPA 2013 Mar 6; Online. [Cites USPSTF recommendations on screening for developmental dysplasia of the hip (Pediatrics, 2006).]

Journal of General Internal Medicine
Szymanski BR, Bohnert KM, Zivin K, et al. Integrated care: treatment initiation following positive depression screens. J Gen Intern Med 2013 Mar; 28(3):346-52. [Mentions USPSTF recommendations on screening adults for depression in primary care settings "when there are mechanisms in place for diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of these patients (Ann Intern Med, 2002 and 2009).] Select to access the abstract.

Medical Care
Kennedy EH, Wiitala WL, Hayward RA, et al. Improved cardiovascular risk prediction using nonparametric regression and electronic health record data. Med Care 2013 Mar; 51(3):251-8. [Cites USPSTF recommendations on aspirin for the prevention of cardiovascular disease (Ann Intern Med, 2009); cites AHRQ-funded systematic review by Chaudhry et al. (Ann Intern Med, 2006) on the impact of health information technology on quality, efficiency, and costs of medical care, prepared by the Southern California-University of California at San Francisco EPC.]

Spears GV, Roth CP, Miake-Lye IM, et al. Redesign of an electronic clinical reminder to prevent falls in older adults. Med Care 2013 Mar; 51 Suppl:S37-S43. [Cites USPSTF-sponsored evidence review on primary care-relevant interventions to prevent falling in older adults (Ann Intern Med, 2010).] Select to access the abstract.

Medical Decision Making
Goldhaber-Fiebert JD, Rubinfeld RE, Bhattacharya J, et al. The utility of childhood and adolescent obesity assessment in relation to adult health. Med Decis Making 2013 Feb; 33(2):163-75. [Cites USPSTF recommendations on screening for obesity in children and adolescents and associated evidence review by Whitlock et al. (both in Pediatrics, 2010); cites USPSTF-sponsored evidence review on screening adults for type 2 diabetes (Ann Intern Med, 2003).] Select to access the abstract.

Balaraman B, Biesbroeck LK, Lickerman SH, et al. Practices of unregulated tanning facilities in Missouri: implications for statewide legislation. Pediatrics 2013 Mar; 131(3):415-22. [Cites USPSTF recommendation summary Behavioral Counseling to Prevent Skin Cancer. Clinical Summary of U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Recommendations as published on the USPSTF Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

Thompson M, Dana T, Bougatsos C, et al. Screening for hypertension in children and adolescents to prevent cardiovascular disease. Pediatrics 2013 Mar; 131(3):490-525. [Supported by contract 290-2007-10057-I (to the Oregon EPC) and based on USPSTF-sponsored evidence synthesis, Screening for Hypertension in Children and Adolescents to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease: Systematic Review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, 2013, as published on the USPSTF Web site; updates evidence for the USPSTF recommendations on high blood pressure screening in children and adolescents in Guide to Clinical Preventive Services: Periodic Updates, 3rd edition, 2003; uses USPSTF systematic review methods, quality of evidence criteria, and other methodologies from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Procedure Manual, 2008 (as published on the USPSTF Web site), USPSTF-sponsored article by Harris et al. (Am J Prev Med, 2001) on USPSTF methodologies," USPSTF-sponsored targeted systematic review on the effectiveness of weight management interventions in children (Pediatrics, 2010), and USPSTF-sponsored systematic evidence review on screening and treatment for lipid disorders in children and adolescents (Pediatrics, 2007); acknowledges support from Iris Mabry-Hernandez, Medical Officer in AHRQ's Center for Primary Care, Prevention, and Clinical Partnerships.] Select to access the abstract.

Balk SJ, Fisher DE, Geller AC. Stronger laws are needed to protect teens from indoor tanning. Pediatrics 2013 Mar; 131(3):586-8. [Comments on USPSTF recommendations on behavioral counseling to prevent skin cancer (Ann Intern Med, 2012) and article by Balaraman et al. cited above in this section.]

Saydah S, Bullard KM, Imperatore G, et al. Cardiometabolic risk factors among US adolescents and young adults and risk of early mortality. Pediatrics 2013 Mar; 131(3):e679-e686. [Cites USPSTF recommendations on screening for type 2 diabetes mellitus in adults (Ann Intern Med, 2008); cites AHRQ publication, Trends in Select Reported Chronic Conditions for Persons under Age 40 in the U.S. Civilian Noninstitutionalized Population, 1997 and 2007, MEPS Statistical Brief 292, 2010.] Select to access the abstract.

Longmuir SQ, Boese EA, Pfeifer W, et al. Practical community photoscreening in very young children. Pediatrics 2013 Mar; 131(3):e764-e769. [Evaluates USPSTF findings of insufficient evidence to support vision screening in children younger than 3 years of age (Pediatrics, 2011) by analyzing vision screening data for children as young as 6 months of age.] Select to access the abstract.

Vernacchio L, Trudell EK, Hresko MT, et al. A quality improvement program to reduce unnecessary referrals for adolescent scoliosis. Pediatrics 2013 Mar; 131(3):e912-e920. [Mentions USPSTF recommendations against routine adolescent idiopathic scoliosis screening, school, citing USPSTF recommendation statement Screening for Idiopathic Scoliosis in Adolescents, 2004, as published on the USPSTF Web site. Also refer to article by Zima et al. (Pediatrics, 2013) cited in AHRQ-Funded/Authored Articles.] Select to access the abstract.


Evidence-based Practice Centers-Related Articles

Circulation. Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes
Eapen ZJ, McBroom AJ, Gray R, et al. Priorities for comparative effectiveness reviews in cardiovascular disease. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes 2013 Mar 1; 6(2):139-47. [Describes processes and methods used by the Duke EPC to identify and prioritize topics for comparative effectiveness reviews in cardiovascular disease, including searches of existing research on AHRQ's Effective Health Care Program Web site, AHRQ's Grants Online Database, and the Duke EPC's research repository to eliminate redundancy; cites AHRQ-funded article by Whitlock et al. (J Clin Epidemiol, 2010) on methodologies for AHRQ's Effective Health Care Program, and AHRQ methods future research needs report, Evaluating the Potential Use of Modeling and Value-of-information Analysis for Future Research Priorities Within the Evidence-Based Practice Center Program, 2011.] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of Clinical Epidemiology
Guise JM, O'Haire C, McPheeters M, et al. A practice-based tool for engaging stakeholders in future research: a synthesis of current practices. J Clin Epidemiol 2013 Mar 13. [Epub ahead of print. Supported by contract 290-2007-10057-I to the Oregon EPC and contract 290-2007-10065-I to the Vanderbilt EPC; supports AHRQ research initiative described in AHRQ-funded/authored article by Chang et al. (Ann Intern Med, 2012) and summarizes stakeholder engagement methods used by researchers in reviewed studies, citing AHRQ methods future research needs report, Engaging Stakeholders to Identify and Prioritize Future Research Needs, 2011, prepared by the Oregon and Vanderbilt EPCs under contract 290-2007-10057-I.] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of General Internal Medicine
Bynum JP, Ross JS. A measure of care coordination? J Gen Intern Med 2013 Mar; 28(3):336-338. [Discusses AHRQ's definition of "care coordination," reprinted from AHRQ technical review, Closing the Quality Gap: A Critical Analysis of Quality Improvement Strategies, Volume 7: Care Coordination, 2007, as published on the AHRQ Web site; discusses AHRQ's framework for care coordination measures as listed in Table 1, "The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality's (AHRQ) Care Coordination Measures Atlas Identified Mechanisms for Achieving Care Coordination," citing AHRQ publication, Care Coordination Atlas, 2011, as published on the AHRQ Web site.]

Al Sayah F, Majumdar SR, Williams B, et al. Health literacy and health outcomes in diabetes: a systematic review. J Gen Intern Med 2013 Mar; 28(3):444-52. [Uses evidence rating criteria from AHRQ Evidence Report/Technology Assessment, Health Literacy Interventions and Outcomes: An Updated Systematic Review, 2011, and from AHRQ-funded/authored article by Owens, Lohr, Atkins, Treadwell, Reston, Bass, Chang (third and seventh authors are former AHRQ researcher and current AHRQ researcher in AHRQ's Center for Outcomes and Evidence, respectively) et al. (J Clin Epidemiol, 2010) on AHRQ's Effective Health Care Program; cites AHRQ-funded updated systematic review by Berkman et al. (Ann Intern Med, 2011) on low health literacy and health outcomes, prepared by the RTI International-University of North Carolina EPC under contract 290-2007-10056-I, and systematic review by DeWalt et al. (J Gen Intern Med, 2004) on literacy and health outcomes, prepared by the same EPC under contract 290-02-0016.] Select to access the abstract.

Medical Care
Hynes DM, Whittier ER, Owens A. Health information technology and implementation science: partners in progress in the VHA. Med Care 2013 Mar; 51 Suppl:S6-S12. [Cites AHRQ Evidence Report/Technology Assessment, Costs and Benefits of Health Information Technology, 2006, prepared by the Southern California EPC under contract 290-02-0003 and published on the AHRQ Web site; cites AHRQ publications, Summary of AHRQ Health Information Technology Portfolio Funded Projects, 2009, and Using Health IT: Eight Quality Improvement Stories, 2010, prepared by Mathematica Policy Research under Contract No. HHSA 290-2009-00019-I.] Select to access the abstract.

MedSurg Nursing
Boltz M, Capezuti E, Wagner L, et al. Patient safety in medical-surgical units: can nurse certification make a difference? Medsurg Nurs 2013 Jan-Feb; 22(1):26-32, 37. [Cites AHRQ Evidence Report/Technology Assessment, Making Health Care Safer: A Critical Analysis of Patient Safety Practices, 2001, as published on the AHRQ Archive Web site; cites AHRQ publications, Hospital Utilization among Oldest Adults, 2008, HCUP Statistical Brief 103, 2010, and Hospitalizations Related to Pressure Sores, 2003, HCUP Statistical Brief 3, 2006; cites AHRQ-funded articles by Krauss et al. (Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol, 2008) and Pronovost et al. (J Patient Saf, 2007).]

Modern Healthcare
McKinney M. Top 10 list: AHRQ identifies safety practices for better care. Mod Healthc 2012 Mar 11; 43(10):12. [Summarizes findings from AHRQ Evidence Report/Technology Assessment, Making Health Care Safer II: An Updated Critical Analysis of the Evidence for Patient Safety Practices, 2013, and quotes Dr. Peter Pronovost, co-principal investigator of the report; briefly mentions earlier AHRQ evidence report/technology assessment Making Health Care Safer: A Critical Analysis of Patient Safety Practices, 2001.]

Nursing Economic$
Kelly MD, Starr T. Shaping service-academia partnerships to facilitate safe and quality transitions in care. Nurs Econ 2013 Jan-Feb; 31(1):6-11, quiz 12. [Cites from AHRQ technical review, Closing the Quality Gap: A Critical Analysis of Quality Improvement Strategies, Volume 7: Care Coordination, 2007, as published on the AHRQ Web site.]

Forman-Hoffman VL, Zolotor AJ, McKeeman JL, et al. Comparative effectiveness of interventions for children exposed to nonrelational traumatic events. Pediatrics 2013 Mar; 131(3):526-39. [Supported by contract 290-2007-10056-I to the RTI International-University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill EPC and based on AHRQ comparative effectiveness review, Child and Adolescent Exposure to Trauma: Comparative Effectiveness of Interventions Addressing Trauma Other Than Maltreatment or Family Violence, 2012, as published on AHRQ's Effective Health Care Program Web site; uses predefined criteria described in AHRQ publication, Methods Guide for Effectiveness and Comparative Effectiveness Reviews, 2011; assesses the evidence from selected studies using criteria and methodologies in AHRQ-authored article by Owens, Lohr, Atkins, Treadwell, Reston, Bass, Chang et al. (J Clin Epidemiol, 2010) on AHRQ's Effective Health Care Program and AHRQ publication, Methods Guide for Comparative Effectiveness Reviews Assessing the Applicability of Studies When Comparing Medical Interventions, 2011; mentions and cites earlier AHRQ comparative effectiveness review, Child Exposure to Trauma: Comparative Effectiveness of Interventions Addressing Maltreatment, 2013, prepared by the RTI-University of North Carolina EPC under the same contract.] Select to access the abstract.

Dowd MD. Prevention and treatment of traumatic stress in children: few answers, many questions. Pediatrics 2013 Mar;131(3):591-592. [Cites AHRQ's Effective Health Care Program Web site; comments on article by Forman-Hoffman et al. cited above in this section.]

Lieberthal AS, Carroll AE, Chonmaitree T, et al. The diagnosis and management of acute otitis media. Pediatrics 2013 Mar;131(3):e964-e999. [Based on AHRQ Evidence Report/Technology Assessment, Management of Acute Otitis Media: Update, 2010 and associated AHRQ-funded systematic review by Coker et al. (JAMA, 2010) on the diagnosis, microbial epidemiology, and antibiotic treatment of acute otitis media (AOM) in children (both performed by the Southern California EPC under contract 290-2007-10056-I); mentions AHRQ's funding for and conduct of an exhaustive review of the literature on diagnosis and management of AOM for the 2004 American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines, citing AHRQ Evidence Report/Technology Assessment, Management of Acute Otitis Media, 2000, and associated AHRQ-funded evidence assessments of management of acute otitis media by Takata et al. (Pediatrics, 2001) on the role of antibiotics in treatment of uncomplicated acute otitis media, and by Chan et al. (Pediatrics, 2001) on the research gaps and priorities for future research, both prepared by the Southern California EPC under contract 290-97-0001. Also refer to article by Anderson (J Urol, 2013) cited in AHRQ-Funded/Authored Articles and article by Kennedy et al. (J Gen Intern Med, 2013) cited in U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF)/Put Prevention Into Practice (PPIP)-Related Articles.] Select to access the abstract.


National Healthcare Quality Report (NHQR)/National Healthcare Disparities Report (NHDR)-Related Articles

American Journal of Epidemiology
Haskins AE, Clark DE, Travis LL. Racial disparities in survival among injured drivers. Am J Epidemiol 2013 Mar 1; 177(5):380-7. [Cites AHRQ's NHDR, 2003.] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of General Internal Medicine
Pollack CE, Weissman GE, Lemke KW, et al. Patient sharing among physicians and costs of care: a network analytic approach to care coordination using claims data. J Gen Intern Med 2013 Mar; 28(3):459-65. [Cites AHRQ's NHQR, 2010; cites AHRQ publication, Care Coordination Measures Atlas, 2011, as published on the AHRQ Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

Medical Care
Atkins D, Cullen T. The future of health information technology: implications for research. Med Care 2013 Mar; 51 Suppl:S1-S3. [First author is a former AHRQ researcher; cites AHRQ-sponsored IOM reports, Future Directions for the National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Reports, 2010, and Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century, 2001.]

MedSurg Nursing
Strunk JA, Townsend-Rocchiccioli J, Sanford JT. The aging Hispanic in America: challenges for nurses in a stressed health care environment. Medsurg Nurs 2013 Jan-Feb; 22(1):45-50. [Cites AHRQ's NHDR, 2007.] Select to access the abstract.

Zima BT, Bussing R, Tang L, et al. Do parent perceptions predict continuity of publicly funded care for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder? Pediatrics 2013 Mar; 131(Suppl 1):S50-S59. [Cites AHRQ's NHDR, 2010; cites AHRQ-authored article by Chan, Zhan (researcher in AHRQ's Center for Outcomes and Evidence) et al. (Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med, 2002), which uses MEPS data; cites AHRQ-sponsored IOM publication, Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century, 2001.]


Research by Others Using AHRQ Data or Products

Annals of the American Thoracic Society
Walkey AJ, Wiener RS. Use of noninvasive ventilation in patients with acute respiratory failure, 200-2009. Ann Am Thorac Soc 2013 Feb; 10(1):10-17. [Uses 2000-2009 HCUP NIS data, citing HCUP Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS), 1998-2009; also uses "enhanced Charlson and Elixhauser ICD-9-CM codes," citing article by Quan et al. (Med Care, 2005), which discusses AHRQ's Elixhauser comorbidity measures (Elixhauser et al., Med Care, 1998) and the AHRQ-funded adaptation of the Charlson comorbidity index described in AHRQ-funded article by Deyo, Cherkin, and Ciol (J Clin Epidemiol, 1992).] Select to access the abstract.

Annals of Surgery
Worni M, Ostbye T, Shah A, et al. High risks for adverse outcomes after gastric bypass surgery following failed gastric banding. Ann Surg 2013 Feb; 257(2):279-86. [Uses 2005-2008 HCUP NIS data, as accessed on AHRQ's HCUP Web site, and the AHRQ-funded adaptation of the Charlson comorbidity index described in AHRQ-funded article by Deyo, Cherkin, and Ciol (J Clin Epidemiol, 1992).] Select to access the abstract.

Huang EY, Tolley EA, Blakely ML, et al. Changes in hospital utilization and management of Hirschsprung disease: analysis using the Kids' Inpatient Database. Ann Surg 2013 Feb; 257(2):371-5. [Uses 1997, 2000, 2003, and 2006 HCUP KID data, citing Introduction to the HCUP Kids' Inpatient Database (KID) 2006, 2006, Kid's Inpatient Database, 1997, 2000, Kid's Inpatient Database, 2000, 2003, Kid's Inpatient Database, 2003, 2005, and Kid's Inpatient Database, 2006, 2008, all published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site; also uses AHRQ's Clinical Classifications Software for ICD-9-CM, as accessed from AHRQ's HCUP web site; cites AHRQ publications, Calculating Kids' Inpatient Database (KID) Variances, 2005, and 2003 HCUP Kids' Inpatient Database(KID) Comparison Report, 2006, both published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Al-Halal H, Kezouh A, Abenhaim HA. Incidence and obstetrical outcomes of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and cervical cancer in pregnancy. Arch Gynecol Obstet 2013 Feb; 287(2):245-50. [Uses 1999-2008 HCUP NIS data.] Select to access the abstract.

Business Economics
Turner A, Hughes-Cromwick P. Connecting U.S. health expenditures with the health sector workforce. Bus Econ 2013 Feb 48(1): 42-57. [Uses methodologies on reconciling MEPS and National Health Expenditure Accounts data from AHRQ-authored article by Sing, Banthin, Selden (first two authors are former AHRQ researchers and third author is a current researcher in AHRQ's Center for Financing, Access, and Cost Trends) et al. (Health Care Financ Rev, 2006).]

Cerebrovascular Diseases
Nasr DM, Brinjikji W, Cloft HJ, et al. Mortality in cerebral venous thrombosis: results from the National Inpatient Sample database. Cerebrovasc Dis 2013; 35(1):40-4. [Uses 2001-2008 HCUP NIS data and HCUP Clinical Classifications Software (CCS), citing Clinical Classifications Software (CCS) for ICD-9-CM Fact Sheet, as published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

Diabetes Educator
Brown-Guion SY, Youngerman SM, Hernandez-Tejada MA, et al. Racial/ethnic, regional, and rural/urban differences in receipt of diabetes education. Diabetes Educ 2013 Mar 12. [Epub ahead of print. Uses 2007 MEPS data, citing MEPS Full Year Consolidated Data File (Documentation), 2008, and MEPS Full Year Consolidated Data File (Code Book), 2008, both published on AHRQ's MEPS Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

Miller NA, Kirk A, Alston B, et al. Effects of gender, disability, and age in the receipt of preventive services. Gerontologist 2013 Mar 12. [Epub ahead of print. Uses 2001-2007 pooled MEPS data to examine receipt of preventive services recommended by the USPSTF, as tracked in AHRQ's NHDR, 2007, 2008, 2010, and 2011; cites AHRQ-sponsored guideline, Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update, 2008.] Select to access the abstract.

JAMA Internal Medicine
Jackson GL, Edelman D, Olsen MK, et al. Benefits of participation in diabetes group visits after trial completion. JAMA Intern Med 2013 Mar 11; [Epub ahead of print]. [Uses AHRQ's Clinical Classifications Software, as accessed on AHRQ's HCUP Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

JAMA Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery
McCormick ME, Chun RH, Lander L, et a. Socioeconomic implications of pediatric cervical methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2013 Feb; 139(2):124-8. [Uses 2009 HCUP KID data, citing Introduction to the HCUP Kids' Inpatient Database (KID), 2009, 2011.] Select to access the abstract.

JAMA Pediatrics
Kelleher DC, Merrill CT, Cottrell LT, et al. Recent national trends in the use of adolescent inpatient bariatric surgery. JAMA Pediatr 2013 Feb; 167(2):126-32. [Uses 2000-2009 HCUP KID data, citing Introduction to the HCUP Kids' Inpatient Database (KID), 2009, 2011; also uses AHRQ's Elixhauser comorbidity measures (Elixhauser et al., Med Care, 1998) and Comorbidity Software, citing Comorbidity Software, Version 3.7, as accessed on AHRQ's HCUP Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine
Jerant A, Bertakis KD, Fenton JJ, et al. Gender of physician as the usual source of care and patient health care utilization and mortality. J Am Board Fam Med 2013 Mar; 26(2):138-48. [Uses 2002-2008 MEPS data, citing Medical Expenditure Panel Survey on AHRQ's MEPS Web site; cites AHRQ-authored articles by Fiscella, Franks, Clancy, Doescher, and Banthin (third author is AHRQ director and last author is former AHRQ researcher) (Med Care, 1999), Fiscella, Franks, and Clancy (AHRQ director) (Med Care, 1998), and Franks and Clancy (Med Care, 1993).] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery
Kang CY, Halabi WJ, Chaudhry OO, et al. A nationwide analysis of laparoscopy in high-risk colorectal surgery patients. J Gastrointest Surg 2013 Feb; 17(2):382-91. [Uses 2009 HCUP NIS data; compares study's comorbidity model with AHRQ's Elixhauser comorbidity measures (Elixhauser et al., Med Care, 1998) and the AHRQ-funded adaptation of the Charlson comorbidity index described in AHRQ-funded article by Deyo, Cherkin, and Ciol (J Clin Epidemiol, 1992).] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of General Internal Medicine
Stefan MS, Pekow PS, Nsa W, et al. Hospital performance measures and 30-day readmission rates. J Gen Intern Med 2013 Mar; 28(3):377-85. [Uses AHRQ's HCUP Comorbidity Software, Version 3.6, 2011, as accessed on AHRQ's HCUP Web site, and notes that it is based on AHRQ's Elixhauser comorbidity measures (Elixhauser et al., Med Care, 1998).] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of Hospital Infection
Nosova K, Nuno M, Mukherjee D, et al. Urinary tract infections in meningioma patients: analysis of risk factors and outcomes. J Hosp Infect 2013 Feb; 83(2):132-9. [Uses 2002-2007 HCUP NIS data and AHRQ's Elixhauser comorbidity measures (Elixhauser et al., Med Care, 1998); cites AHRQ-sponsored IOM publication, Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century, 2001.] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of Hospital Medicine
Stefan MS, Shieh MS, Pekow PS, et al. Epidemiology and outcomes of acute respiratory failure in the United States, 2001-2009: a national survey. J Hosp Med 2013 Feb; 8(2):76-82. [Uses 2001-2009 HCUP NIS data, citing Introduction to the HCUP Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS), 2009, as published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site; also uses AHRQ's Elixhauser comorbidity measures and Comorbidity Software (Elixhauser et al., Med Care, 1998).] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases
Nasr DM, Brinjikji W, Cloft HJ, et al. Racial and ethnic disparities in the use of intravenous recombinant tissue plasminogen activator and outcomes for acute ischemic stroke. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2013 Feb; 22(2):154-60. [Uses 2001-2008 HCUP NIS data.] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
Kilic A, Shah AS, Conte JV, et al. Nationwide outcomes of surgical embolectomy for acute pulmonary embolism. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2013 Feb; 145(2):373-7. [Uses 1999-2008 HCUP NIS data, citing Overview of the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS), as published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

Karamlou T, Vafaeezadeh M, Parrish AM, et al. Increased extracorporeal membrane oxygenation center case volume is associated with improved extracorporeal membrane oxygenation survival among pediatric patients. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2013 Feb; 145(2):470-5. [Uses 2000-2009 HCUP KID data, citing Introduction to the HCUP Kids' Inpatient Database (KID), 2009, 2011, Overview of the Kids' Inpatient Database (KID), Sampling of Discharges: Introduction to the HCUP-KIDS' Inpatient Database (KID), 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009, and Introduction to the HCUP Kids' Inpatient Database (KID), 2000, 2003), all published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

Mulloy DP, Bhamidipati CM, Stone ML, et al. Orthotopic heart transplant versus left ventricular assist device: a national comparison of cost and survival. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2013 Feb; 145(2):566-73. [Uses 2005-2009 HCUP NIS data and HCUP Cost-to-Charge Ratio Files, citing Overview of the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS), 2011, NIS Database Documentation, 2011, and HCUP Methods Series, 2011, all published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site; also uses "30 different Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality comorbidities" to assess patient risk factors.] Select to access the abstract.

Journal of Urology
Kim SP, Boorjian SA, Shah ND, et al. Disparities in access to hospitals with robotic surgery for patients with prostate cancer undergoing radical prostatectomy. J Urol 2013 Feb; 189(2):514-20. [Uses 2006-2008 HCUP NIS data, citing Overview of the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS), as published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

Medical Care
Devries A, Li CH, Oza M. Strategies to reduce nonurgent emergency department use: experience of a northern Virginia employer group. Med Care 2013 Mar; 51(3):224-30. [Uses the AHRQ-funded adaptation of the Charlson comorbidity index described in AHRQ-funded article by Deyo, Cherkin, and Ciol (J Clin Epidemiol, 1992); cites AHRQ-funded article by Wharam et al. (JAMA, 2007) and others.] Select to access the abstract.

Kainth D, Chaudhry SA, Kainth H, et al. Epidemiological and clinical features of Moyamoya disease in the USA. Neuroepidemiology 2013 Feb 23; 40(4):282-7. [Uses 2005-2008 HCUP NIS data as accessed on AHRQ's HCUP Web site, citing Design of the Nationwide Inpatient Sample, 2010.] Select to access the abstract.

Obesity Surgery
Worni M, Guller U, Maciejewski ML, et al. Racial differences among patients undergoing laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery: a population-based trend analysis from 2002 to 2008. Obes Surg 2013 Feb; 23(2):226-33. [Uses 2005-2008 HCUP NIS data as accessed on AHRQ's HCUP Web site, citing NIS Related Reports, as published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site); also uses the AHRQ-funded adaptation of the Charlson comorbidity index described in AHRQ-funded article by Deyo, Cherkin, and Ciol (J Clin Epidemiol, 1992).] Select to access the abstract.

Pediatric Emergency Care
Kalb LG, Stuart EA, Freedman B, Zablotsky B, Vasa R. Psychiatric-related emergency department visits among children with an autism spectrum disorder. Pediatr Emerg Care 2012 Dec; 28(12):1269-76. [Uses 2008 HCUP Nationwide Emergency Department Sample (NEDS) data and HCUP Clinical Classifications Software (CCS), citing Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) Nationwide Emergency Department Sample (NEDS), 2008, and Overview of the Nationwide Emergency Department Sample (NEDS), as published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site; briefly describes HCUP SEDD and SID.] Select to access the abstract.

Noyes K, Bajorska A, Fisher S, et al. Cost-effectiveness of the School-Based Asthma Therapy (SBAT) program. Pediatrics 2013 Mar; 131(3):e709-e717. [Uses 2005-2009 MEPS data, citing Medical Expenditures Panel Survey, 2012.] Select to access the abstract.

Lopez MA, Cruz AT, Kowalkowski MA, et al. Trends in resource utilization for hospitalized children with skin and soft tissue infections. Pediatrics 2013 Mar; 131(3):e718-e725. [Uses 1997-2009 HCUP KID data, citing Overview of the Kids' Inpatient Database (KID), 1997, 2000, 2003, 2006, and 2009, all published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site; cites data from Statistics on Hospital Stays as accessed on AHRQ's HCUPnet Web site.] Select to access the abstract.

Rhee D, Salazar JH, Zhang Y, et al. A novel multispecialty surgical risk score for children. Pediatrics 2013 Mar; 131(3):e829-e836. [Uses 1998-2005 HCUP NIS data, 1997, 2000, 2003, and 2006 HCUP KID data, and HCUP Clinical Classifications Software, citing, respectively, Overview of the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS), 1998-2006, Overview of the Kids' Inpatient Database (KID), 1997, 2000, 2003, and 2006, and Clinical Classifications Software (CCS) for ICD-9-CM, 1998-2006, all published on AHRQ's HCUP Web site; also uses the AHRQ-funded adaptation of the Charlson comorbidity index described in AHRQ-funded article by Romano, Roos, and Jollis (J Clin Epidemiol, 1993); cites AHRQ-authored article by Miller, Elixhauser, Zhan, and Meyer (second and third authors are current researchers in AHRQ's Center for Delivery, Organization, and Markets, and AHRQ's Center for Outcomes and Evidence, respectively, and first and last authors are former AHRQ researchers) (Health Serv Res, 2001).] Select to access the abstract.

Lara M, Ramos-Valencia G, González-Gavillán JA, et al. Reducing quality-of-care disparities in childhood asthma: La Red de Asma Infantil intervention in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Pediatrics 2013 Mar; 131(Suppl 1):S26-S37. [Uses 2009 HCUP KID data (as accessed on AHRQ's HCUPnet Web site) and 2009 MEPS data (as accessed on AHRQ's MEPS Web site).]

Patrick SW, Schumacher RE, Davis MM. Methods of mortality risk adjustment in the NICU: a 20-year review. Pediatrics 2013 Mar; 131(Suppl 1):S68-S74. [Uses AHRQ's Neonatal Quality Indicator, citing AHRQ measure summary "Measures of pediatric health care quality based on hospital administrative data: the pediatric quality indicators: neonatal indicator appendix," 2008, as posted on AHRQ's National Quality Measures Clearinghouse (NQMC) Web site.]

Patrick SW, Davis MM, Sedman AB, et al. Accuracy of hospital administrative data in reporting central line-associated bloodstream infections in newborns. Pediatrics 2013 Mar; 131(Suppl 1):S75-S80. [Uses 2009 HCUP KID data, citing Introduction to the HCUP KIDS' Inpatient Database (KID), 2009, and Overview of the Kids' Inpatient Database (KID), 2009 (as published on the AHRQ's HCUP Web site); cites AHRQ Quality Indicators: Neonatal Quality Indicators: Technical Specifications, Version 4.1. National Quality Indicator 3: Neonatal Blood Stream Infections, 2009, as published on AHRQ's Quality Indicators Web site.]

PLoS One
Unick GJ, Rosenblum D, Mars S, et al. Intertwined epidemics: national demographic trends in hospitalizations for heroin- and opioid-related overdoses, 1993-2009. PLoS One 2013;8(2):e54496. [Uses 1993-2009 HCUP NIS data and HCUP NIS Trends Supplemental Files, citing Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) data, 1993-2009, and Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) Nationwide Inpatient Sample Trends (NIS-Trends) Files, 1993-2009; constructs the urbanicity of hospitals variable through HCUP using US Department of Agriculture urban rural coding, citing AHRQ publication, Population Denominator Data for use with the HCUP Databases (Updated with 2010 Population data), HCUP Method Series Report 2012-01, 2012. Also refer to articles by Schlitz et al. (Epilepsy Res, 2013), Anderson et al. (J Urol, 2013), Rubinson et al. (Med Care, 2013), Wittenberg, Ritter, and Prosser (Med Decis Making, 2013), and Stundner et al. (Psychosomatics, 2013) cited in AHRQ-Funded/Authored Articles.] Select to access the abstract.

Current as of March 2013
Internet Citation: Comparative-effectiveness Research to Aid Population Decision Making by Relating Clinical Outcomes and Quality-adjusted Life Years: Articles of Interest, March 15, 2013. March 2013. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.

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