sábado, 27 de abril de 2013

Preventing Chronic Disease | Descriptive Analysis of Articles and Advertisements Pertaining to Skin Cancer Prevention in 2 Popular US Parenting Magazines, 2000–2010 - CDC

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Preventing Chronic Disease | Descriptive Analysis of Articles and Advertisements Pertaining to Skin Cancer Prevention in 2 Popular US Parenting Magazines, 2000–2010 - CDC

Multiple Chronic Conditions Collection
This week Preventing Chronic Disease (PCD) released 8 articles focusing on multiple chronic conditions. The articles within this collection address the current trends in population growth, age distribution, and disease dynamics that forecast rises in the prevalence of chronic diseases, other chronic conditions, and combinations of chronic conditions.

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Descriptive Analysis of Articles and Advertisements Pertaining to Skin Cancer Prevention in 2 Popular US Parenting Magazines, 2000–2010

Corey H. Basch, EdD, MPH; Grace Clarke Hillyer, EdD, MPH; Charles E. Basch, PhD

Suggested citation for this article: Basch CH, Hillyer GC, Basch CE. Descriptive Analysis of Articles and Advertisements Pertaining to Skin Cancer Prevention in 2 Popular US Parenting Magazines, 2000–2010. Prev Chronic Dis 2013;10:120200. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5888/pcd10.120200External Web Site Icon.


Magazines focused on parenting are popular in the United States, and parents may use them to guide decisions about the health of their children. We analyzed issues of 2 popular parenting magazines published in the past 11 years during the months of peak ultraviolet radiation exposure for content related to sun protection and for advertisements for skin products that did and did not contain sun protection factor. Only 24 of 2,594 articles addressed the topic of sun protection for skin cancer prevention. Although advertising is pervasive in these magazines, the extent to which such advertising focuses on products with sun protection factor was low. These findings suggest that parenting magazines can do more to assist parents in making informed decisions about preventing skin cancer risk among youth.

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Análisis descriptivo de artículos y avisos publicitarios relativos a la prevención del cáncer de piel en 2 revistas populares para padres en los EE. UU., 2000-2010

Corey H. Basch, EdD, MPH; Grace Clarke Hillyer, EdD, MPH; Charles E. Basch, PhD

Suggested citation for this article: Basch CH, Hillyer GC, Basch CE. Descriptive Analysis of Articles and Advertisements Pertaining to Skin Cancer Prevention in 2 Popular US Parenting Magazines, 2000–2010. Prev Chronic Dis 2013;10:120200. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5888/pcd10.120200Aclaraci?n sobre los enlaces a sitios web externos.


Las revistas que se centran en la crianza de los niños son populares en los Estados Unidos, y los padres las usan como guía para las decisiones que toman sobre la salud de sus hijos. Analizamos las ediciones de 2 revistas populares para padres publicadas en los últimos 11 años durante los meses de máxima exposición a los rayos ultravioleta en búsqueda de contenido sobre la protección al sol y anuncios publicitarios de productos para la piel que no contuvieran un factor de protección solar. Solamente 24 artículos entre 2,594 abordaron el tema de protección solar para prevenir cáncer de piel. Si bien son comunes los anuncios publicitarios en estas revistas, son pocos los que se enfocan en los productos con un factor de protección solar. Estos hallazgos sugieren que las revistas para padres pueden hacer más en ayudar a los padres a tomar decisiones sobre la prevención de cáncer entre los jóvenes.

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