jueves, 29 de agosto de 2013

Health Care Innovations Exchange: Using Decision Aids in Shared Decisionmaking

Health Care Innovations Exchange: Using Decision Aids in Shared Decisionmaking

AHRQ Health Care Innovations

New Issue Focuses on

Using Decision Aids in Shared Decisionmaking

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) announces the August 28 issue of the Health Care Innovations Exchange (http://www.innovations.ahrq.gov).
  • The featured Innovations describe two programs that promoted shared decisionmaking through the use of decision aids, and legislative efforts in the state of Washington that support its routine use in care delivery. 
  • The featured QualityTools include decision aids for patients on particular health topics and resources for providers on the process, use, and evaluation of decision aids in shared decisionmaking.
  • To access more innovation profiles and tools on the Innovations Exchange Web site related to shared decisionmaking and patient decision aids, go to http://www.innovations.ahrq.gov/innovations_qualitytools.aspx?search=shared%20decision%20making%20OR%20decision%20aids.
  • Featured VideoView the second video in the new series Healthcare Policy Innovations: Changing Care, Improving Health, featuring innovator Bethany Hays, MD, discussing a policy innovation that enhanced access to conventional and alternative health care services, particularly for low-income individuals. The video is available at http://www.innovations.ahrq.gov/videos.aspx.
Events and Podcasts:
  • Join us on Twitter Tuesday, September 10, at 3 pm ET for a live TweetChat with Dr. Victoria Rogers, Director of the Kids CO-OP at the Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital at Maine Medical Center. We will discuss how the Let’s Go! program has slowed the increase of childhood obesity in Maine and can be adapted by other providers in different settings. For more information, visit http://www.innovations.ahrq.gov/webevents/index.aspx?id=56.
  • Join us on Wednesday, September 18, from 1 – 2 pm ET for a Web event titled Using the Innovations Exchange To Develop Health Professional Competencies. This event will provide an in-depth dialogue to explore how the Innovations Exchange’s rich collection of novel health care practices and tools is being used to develop competencies for nurses and interdisciplinary teams. For more information and to register, visit http://www.innovations.ahrq.gov/webevents/index.aspx?id=57.

Use the My Innovations feature http://www.innovations.ahrq.gov/accounts/createAccount.aspx to save your favorite subjects and receive e-mail alerts when new content is published within your areas of interest.
New issues of the Innovations Exchange are published biweekly on Wednesdays. Please contact us at info@innovations.ahrq.gov with any questions or comments.
Follow the Innovations Exchange (AHRQIX) on Twitter with this hyperlink: http://www.twitter.com/ahrqix.

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