miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013

EHC Program Update: New Draft Report, Executive Summary, and Spanish-language Consumer Summaries

EHC Program Update: New Draft Report, Executive Summary, and Spanish-language Consumer Summaries

Effective Health Care Program - Helping You Make Better Treatment Choices
The following have been posted to the EHC Program Web site:

Draft Report

A draft report for the following topic is available for comment until December 23, 2013:
Imaging Tests for the Diagnosis and Staging of Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma. To access and comment, visit: http://www.effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/search-for-guides-reviews-and-reports/?pageaction=displayProduct&productID=1822.
To access all EHC Program topics currently available for comment, visit: http://effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/index.cfm/research-available-for-comment/ 

Executive Summary

Community Forum Deliberative Methods Demonstration - Evaluating Effectiveness and Eliciting Public Views on Use of Evidence. To access the executive summary of this report, visit: http://www.effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/index.cfm/who-is-involved-in-the-effective-health-care-program1/ahrq-community-forum/#deliberative.

Spanish-language Consumer Summaries

Effective Health Care Program
EHC Program Update: New Draft Report, Executive Summary, and Spanish-language Consumer Summaries

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