martes, 28 de enero de 2014

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NCHS Data Briefs

NCHS Data Brief Cover
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NCHS Data Briefs from the National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The following reports have been added:
NCHS Data Brief, No. 142 - Financial Burden of Medical Care: A Family Perspective
Recently published data from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) found that 1 in 5 persons was in a family having problems paying medical bills, and 1 in 10 persons was in a family with medical bills that they were unable to pay at all. NHIS defines "family" as an individual or a group of two or more related persons living together in the same housing unit. The family perspective is important to consider when examining financial risk because significant expenses for one family member may adversely affect the whole family. Health insurance coverage is one way for a family to mitigate financial risk associated with health care costs, although health insurance status may differ among family members. This report explores selected family demographic characteristics and their association with financial burdens of medical care (problems paying medical bills, paying medical bills over time, and having medical bills that cannot be paid) based on data from the 2012 NHIS.

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