sábado, 28 de junio de 2014

Protective Factors | Adolescent and School Health | CDC

Protective Factors | Adolescent and School Health | CDC

Protective Factors

Efforts to improve child and adolescent health have typically addressed specific health risk behaviors, such as early initiation of sexual intercourse, tobacco use or violence. However, results from a growing number of studies suggest that greater health impact might be achieved by also enhancing protective factors that help children and adolescents avoid multiple behaviors that place them at risk for adverse health and educational outcomes.
Protective factors are individual or environmental characteristics, conditions, or behaviors that reduce the effects of stressful life events. These factors also increase an individual’s ability to avoid risks or hazards, and promote social and emotional competence to thrive in all aspects of life, now and in the future.

School Connectedness

School connectedness—the belief held by students that adults and peers in the school care about their learning as well as about them as individuals—is an important protective factor.
School Connectedness cover
School Connectedness: Strategies for Increasing Protective Factors Among Youth Adobe PDF file [pdf 1.7M] 
Describes strategies that teachers, administrators, other school staff, and parents can implement to increase the extent to which students feel connected to school.

Parent Engagement in Schools

Parents and educators can work together to support and improve the learning, development, and health of children and adolescents.
Parent Engagement coverParent Engagement: Strategies for Involving Parents in School Health Adobe PDF file [pdf 1.7M]
Describes strategies and actions schools can take to increase parent engagement in promoting positive health behaviors among students

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