jueves, 25 de diciembre de 2014

Observatorio de Bioética, UCVBIOETHICS NEWS Archivos - Página 5 de 7 - Observatorio de Bioética, UCV

Observatorio de Bioética, UCVBIOETHICS NEWS Archivos - Página 5 de 7 - Observatorio de Bioética, UCV

Observatorio de Bioética, UCV

1.1 million infected with HIV only in USA

In the United States, there are 1.1 million people infected with HIV, with an increase of 60% in the last

Sjögren’s syndrome improved by mesenchymal stem cells

Sjögren’s syndrome is a systemic autoimmune disease mainly characterised by dry mouth and eyes. Its causes are not well known

How many in vitro fertilisation children have been born?

Since in-vitro fertilisation began, more than 4 million children have been born using this technique, in 3221 clinics distributed throughout

Non-invasive techniques to determine the genetic structure of embryos

 Non-invasive techniques to determine the genetic structure of embryos
Preimplantational genetic diagnosis is a widely used technique, employed in the selection of embryos that are free of a heredity

Formation of liver tissue from iPS cells

 Formation of liver tissue from iPS cells
In an article recently published in Nature (http: //dx.doi.org/10.1038/nature12271, 2013), a Japanese team of researchers described how they were able

DNA is not the only factor that influences personality of genetically identical gametes

 DNA is not the only factor that influences personality of genetically identical gametes
Further evidence has been found which shows that the environment and life experiences, and not only DNA, can contribute to

Belgium and the Netherlands: one step closer to child euthanasia

 Belgium and the Netherlands: one step closer to child euthanasia
If child euthanasia is legalised in Belgium, it will be the first country of the developed world to allow this

Genetic selection of embryos: a technique that is clearly eugenic

 Genetic selection of embryos: a technique that is clearly eugenic
Just 35 years ago, the world witnessed the birth of Louise Brown, the first test-tube baby. At the beginning of

Comment on the decision of the german bishops regarding the use of emergency contraception in rape victims

 Comment on the decision of the german bishops regarding the use of emergency contraception in rape victims
Introduction On 21st February this year, the media echoed a statement made public by the German Episcopal Conference on the

Has the cloning of humans become a reality?

 Has the cloning of humans become a reality?
On 5 October 2011, the prestigious journal Nature (478; 70-75, 2011) published an article describing the first successful production of

After birth abortion

 After birth abortion
A recent article published in the Journal of Medical Ethics 1, of the British Medical Journal Group, by two little-known

iPS cell banks

 iPS cell banks
The pharmaceutical company Roche are promoting the creation of an iPS cell bank in collaboration with 23 academic groups coordinated

Incidence of pulmonary and venous thromboembolism in pregnancies achieved by in-vitro fertilisation

 Incidence of pulmonary and venous thromboembolism in pregnancies achieved by in-vitro fertilisation
In a study conducted in Sweden (BMJ 2013; e8632 doi: 10.1136/bmj. E 8632, published on 13 January 2013), which included

Can AIDS be beaten in the next generation?

 Can AIDS be beaten in the next generation?
Since the first cases were discovered in California in 1981, an entire generation has lived under the malevolent shadow of

Mitochondrial replacement. Proposal for legalisation of human reproductive techniques with germ line gene therapy in the United Kingdom.

 Mitochondrial replacement. Proposal for legalisation of human reproductive techniques with germ line gene therapy in the United Kingdom.
 Introduction   The Mitochondrial Medicine Centre, the Wellcome Trust Centre for Mitochondrial Research (Newcastle University, UK), is currently developing a

Some lights and shadows in assisted reproduction.

 Some lights and shadows in assisted reproduction.
There is no question of the great social impact of assisted reproduction and its huge acceptance among married and other

Principle of “procreative” beneficience

The principle of “procreative” beneficence is a widely discussed matter in specialised bioethics journals (Bioethics 26; 447-454, 2012). In Savulescu’s

Is DNA a thing of the past?

DNA is a thing of the past. Synthetic biologists have invented a series of new molecules, XNAs, which have all

The right to conscientious objection in UK

According to an article in The Guardian (24-IV-2013), two Scottish Catholic midwives appealed their right to conscientious objection not to

Japan promote research with iPS cells

The therapeutic possibilities offered by iPS cells seem unquestionable, and may increase with the commitment of the Japanese government to

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