viernes, 27 de febrero de 2015

Register by March 8 for TeamSTEPPS in Primary Care

Register by March 8 for TeamSTEPPS in Primary Care

Registration closes March 8 for the next TeamSTEPPS in Primary Care course
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is excited to present a new opportunity in team-based training for staff in primary care organizations and outpatient medical offices: TeamSTEPPS in Primary Care. The evidence-based TeamSTEPPS (Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety) program was first developed in collaboration between AHRQ and the Department of Defense (DoD) Patient Safety Program in 2006. The goal of TeamSTEPPS is to produce effective medical teams that optimize the use of information, people, and resources to achieve the best clinical outcomes for their patients.
In 2014, AHRQ launched a TeamSTEPPS in Primary Care course that adapts the core concepts of the TeamSTEPPS program to reflect the environment of primary care and medical office-based teams. It offers techniques, tools, and strategies to assist health care professionals in developing and optimizing team knowledge and performance in a primary care setting.
The next course will begin on March 10. The course is taught using a hybrid model involving three weekly online lessons and a 1-day onsite training in Chicago on April 10. For more information about TeamSTEPPS in Primary Care, registration, or the application process, please visit The application process includes commitment from a change team, a letter of support from the participants' organization, and evidence of meeting the core competencies for the course. Applications are available at Registration will close on March 8.

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