jueves, 26 de febrero de 2015

Resources from CHIPRA Quality Demonstration States

Resources from CHIPRA Quality Demonstration States

New Resources from Massachusetts Available 
on National Evaluation Site

Massachusetts, one of 18 States participating in the CHIPRA 
Quality Demonstration Grant Program, has recently issued two 
new reports on interim findings and lessons learned from its grant 
that may guide others in pursuing 
similar initiatives. The new resources include:

  • Results of focus groups with families and interviews with 
  • providers on the usefulness of quality measures 
  • (Using the Core Set of Quality Measures)
  • Findings from a patient experience survey taken by parents 
  • of children enrolled in primary care practices participating in the 
  • Medical Home Learning Collaborative (Evaluating Provider-Based Models)

You can access all of these resources and more from CHIPRA quality demonstration 
New resources will be added as they become available.

For more information on the CHIPRA Quality Demonstration Grant projects and the 
CMS-funded national evaluation, 
visit: http://www.ahrq.gov/policymakers/chipra/demoeval/index.html.

If you have any questions or comments regarding the evaluation of the 
CHIPRA Quality Demonstration Grant Program, please contact the 
national evaluation team by sending an 
email to: CHIPRADemoEval@ahrq.hhs.gov.

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