miércoles, 29 de abril de 2015

2015 Call for Collaborative Project Proposals - EDM Forum Home

2015 Call for Collaborative Project Proposals - EDM Forum Home

Letters of Intent Due May 4 for Funding Opportunity Announcement on Electronic Health Data Projects

The Electronic Data Methods (EDM) Forum, funded by AHRQ, isseeking proposals for research projects that provide novel, collaborative approaches to address the analytic, technological and governance challenges of using electronic health data in learning health systems. A priority will be given to projects that develop approaches, methods or tools to facilitate collaborative science and promote more open and rapid translation and dissemination of patient-centered outcomes research; improve knowledge management of the EDM Forum repository; or improve ability to show and share patient-level data. All proposals must be collaboratively designed and executed, drawing on the perspectives of multiple initiatives and stakeholder groups. Letters of intent are due May 4.

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