domingo, 28 de junio de 2015

Genomics|Update|Current ► CDC-Authored Genomics Publications


CDC-Authored Genomics Publications

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CDC authors are indicated in bold
Apolipoprotein E and protection against hepatitis E virus infection in American, non-Hispanic blacks.External Web Site Icon
Zhang L, Yesupriya A, Chang MH, Teshale E, Teo CG. Hepatology. 2015 Jun 11.
Ebola Virus Epidemiology, Transmission, and Evolution during Seven Months in Sierra Leone.External Web Site Icon
Park DJ, Dudas G, Wohl S, Goba A, Whitmer SL, Andersen KG, Sealfon RS, Ladner JT, Kugelman JR, Matranga CB, Winnicki SM, Qu J, Gire SK, Gladden-Young A, Jalloh S, Nosamiefan D, Yozwiak NL, Moses LM, Jiang PP, Lin AE, Schaffner SF, Bird BTowner J, Mamoh M, Gbakie M, Kanneh L, Kargbo D, Massally JL, Kamara FK, Konuwa E, Sellu J, Jalloh AA, Mustapha I, Foday M, Yillah M, Erickson BR,Sealy T, Blau D, Paddock C, Brault A, Amman B, Basile J, Bearden S, Belser J, Bergeron E, Campbell S, Chakrabarti A, Dodd K, Flint M, Gibbons A, Goodman C, Klena J, McMullan L, Morgan L, Russell B, Salzer J, Sanchez A, Wang D, Jungreis I, Tomkins-Tinch C, Kislyuk A, Lin MF, Chapman S, MacInnis B, Matthews A, Bochicchio J, Hensley LE, Kuhn JH, Nusbaum C, Schieffelin JS, Birren BW, Forget M, Nichol ST, Palacios GF, Ndiaye D, Happi C, Gevao SM, Vandi MA, Kargbo B, Holmes EC, Bedford T, Gnirke A, Ströher U, Rambaut A, Garry RF, Sabeti PC. Cell. 2015 Jun 18;161(7):1516-26.
Full-Genome Sequence of the First G8P[14] Rotavirus Strain Detected in the United States.External Web Site Icon
Mijatovic-Rustempasic S, Roy S, Sturgeon M, Rungsrisuriyachai K, Reisdorf E, Cortese MM, Bowen MDGenome Announc. 2015 Jun 18;3(3). pii: e00677-15.
Phylodynamics of Enterovirus A71-Associated Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease in Viet Nam.External Web Site Icon
Geoghegan JL, Tan LV, Kühnert D, Halpin RA, Lin X, Simenauer A, Akopov A, Das SR, Stockwell TB, Shrivastava S, Ngoc NM, Uyen LT, Tuyen NT, Thanh TT, Hang VT, Qui PT, Hung NT, Khanh TH, Thinh LQ, Nhan LN, Van HM, Viet DC, Tuan HM, Viet HL, Hien TT, Chau NV, Thwaites G, Grenfell BT, Stadler T, Wentworth DE, Holmes EC, Van Doorn HR. J Virol. 2015 Jun 17. pii: JVI.00706-15.

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