sábado, 27 de junio de 2015

Updated Links for Care Affordability Highlighted in New NQS PIA and QDR Chartbook

Updated Links for Care Affordability Highlighted in New NQS PIA and QDR Chartbook

Updated Links for Care Affordability Highlighted in New NQS PIA and QDR Chartbook

Care Affordability Highlighted in New NQS Priority

Corrected links below.

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s (AHRQ) National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report (QDR) chartbooks are a family of documents and tools that report trends across measures of quality and disparities covering a broad array of health care services and settings. Each of the chartbooks reports directly on progress made across one of the six National Quality Strategy (NQS) priorities. In coordination with the chartbook releases, the NQS publishes a series of Priorities in Action highlighting promising practices used by innovative organizations and programs that are improving care in areas described by the correlating chartbooks.

This month, AHRQ released the Chartbook on Care Affordability, which highlights trends across measures of Care Affordability from the QDR. In conjunction with this release, the NQS published a Priority in Action featuring Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts and its work to encourage providers to invest in long-term, lasting improvement initiatives with an innovative global payment model known as the Alternative Quality Contract (AQC). This model combines a population-based budget (adjusted annually for health status and inflation) with substantial performance incentive payments tied to the latest nationally accepted measures of quality, outcomes, and patient experience. An October 2014 study in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that the AQC improved the quality of patient care and lowered costs in the 4 years since it was implemented.

If you would like to share examples of ways that you and your organization are making efforts to align to the NQS aims, priorities, and levers, email us at NQStrategy@ahrq.hhs.gov.

The National Quality Strategy (NQS) is backed by the data published annually by the National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report (QDR), an Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality publication. The QDR reports on opportunities for improving health care quality and reducing health care disparities according to each of the six NQS priorities as well as access to care. The data in the QDR present areas for improvement within the context of the six NQS priorities, focusing stakeholder attention where the greatest potential benefit can be achieved.

National Quality Strategy: Better Care. Healthy People/Healthy Communities. Affordable Care

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