lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2015

NHLBI Funding & Research Opportunities and Announcements for November 30, 2015

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Funding and Research Opportunities

The following funding opportunity announcements from the NHLBI or other components of the National Institutes of Health, might be of interest:

Notices:Clarifying NIH Priorities for Health Economics Research(NOT-OD-16-025) National Institutes of Health
Save the Date for the 2016 NIH Regional Seminar in Baltimore, Maryland - May 11-13(NOT-OD-16-026) National Institutes of Health
Revised SF424 (R&R) Application Guides and Supplemental Instructions Available for Application Due Dates On and Between January 25, 2016 and May 24, 2016(NOT-OD-16-029) National Institutes of HealthAgency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Publication of the Revised NIH Grants Policy Statement (Rev. 11/2015) for FY 2016(NOT-OD-16-030) National Institutes of Health
Notice of Technical Assistance Webinar for RFA-HL-16-012 "Household Air Pollution (HAP) Health Outcomes Trial (UM1)"(NOT-HL-15-285)National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Notice of Correction to Application and Submission Information and Review Criteria for RFA-HL-17-008 "Pulmonary and Cardiovascular Consequences of Inhaled Nicotine (R01)" (NOT-HL-15-286)National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Funding opportunities issued for the NIH Precision Medicine Initiative Cohort Program (NOT-PM-16-001)National Institutes of Health

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