martes, 28 de junio de 2016

NGC Update Service: June 27, 2016 | Announcements

NGC Update Service: June 27, 2016

National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC)


Notice to Our Users - Redesigned National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC) Coming Soon!

We are redesigning the NGC Web site for release this summer! Responsive Web Design (RWD) techniques will provide a better viewing experience across a wide range of devices, from desktop and laptop computers, to tablets and mobile phones.
NGC Preview
In addition to the new design, NGC will feature updated searching capabilities by using filters and facets for refining your search results, and updated browsing capabilities for the Browse by Topic and Browse by Organization pages.

The redesigned NGC Web site will be more intuitive, with an improved, new look and feel, but will maintain the same great content that has defined NGC for many years. For a preview, visit NGC.

Conference News

  • The Guidelines International Network (G-I-N) 13th annual conference will take place from September 27-30, 2016 in Philadelphia. This conference will be co-hosted by the American College of Physicians, ECRI Institute and Penn Medicine. The theme is "Individualised Guidelines and Clinical Performance Measurement in an Era of Personalised Medicine." Registration open. For more information, visit the G-I-N Conference Web site.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Advisories

  • June 2, 2016 (UPDATED June 13, 2016)Zecuity (sumatriptan) Migraine Patch: Zecuity manufacturer Teva Pharmaceuticals has decided to temporarily suspend sales, marketing, and distribution to investigate the cause of burns and scars associated with the Zecuity patch. Health care professionals should discontinue prescribing Zecuity, and patients should stop using any remaining patches and contact their prescribers for an alternative migraine medicine. Please refer to the Dear Health Care Provider letter for more information.
  • June 14, 2016Canagliflozin (Invokana, Invokamet) and Dapagliflozin (Farxiga, Xigduo XR): FDA has strengthened the existing warning about the risk of acute kidney injury for the type 2 diabetes medicines canagliflozin (Invokana, Invokamet) and dapagliflozin (Farxiga, Xigduo XR). Based on recent reports, we have revised the warnings in the drug labels to include information about acute kidney injury and added recommendations to minimize this risk.

Health Awareness Topics - June 2016

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