sábado, 25 de junio de 2016

Vector Control Tools and Resources for Environmental Health Professionals

JEH Vector Control Resources

Vector Control Tools and Resources for Environmental Health Professionals

Environmental health professionals are on the frontline of helping individuals, institutions, and communities reduce threats from mosquitoes, ticks, and other vectors. In this column, author Kelli Foster discusses training and other resources designed to advance environmental health professionals’ awareness of public health threats posed by vectors and pests. This article was published in the June 2016 issue of the Journal of Environmental Health.

Aedes Egypti mosquito carries Zika virus

Other Vector Control Resources

CDC partnered with the Public Health Foundation to develop reports from local vector control programs and a driver diagram to identify and address drivers of vectorborne disease. Check out EHS's vector control resources page for these and other vector control resources including specific CDC Zika resources particularly useful for environmental health staff.

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