viernes, 1 de julio de 2016

MercatorNet: The Somme and the culture of death. New baby, new wonders. | MercatorNet

First the good news. The great news! The MercatorNet family was extended recently by the arrival of Emma Maria El-Rahi, the new little daughter of Tamara and Nadim whom Tamara introduces to us today in a post on Family Edge. Congratulations both, and thanks Tamara for sharing your joy with us. And thank you Emma for your sweet baby smile – the world needs it so much.
There are certainly reasons for gloom as, a hundred years after the Battle of the Somme, we are still in a kind of world war, now driven by religious fanaticism and terrorism.
Michael Cook suggests that the Somme can be seen as “the opening salvo in the culture of death” – that is, the war we wage against ourselves with technology for lack of a moral framework that would make it serve only humane ends. His reflections introduce the reminiscences of a German soldier who fought in the front lines on July 1, 1916, and which vividly illustrate what was new and shocking about the First World War – the industrial scale of the thing that swept away the lives of 38 million people.
Technology is neither good nor bad in itself, but it’s not always easy to work out when we are putting it to good use or bad. That seems to be the case with handing over human work to robots – a subject visited by Marcus Roberts. Of course, we have lived with automation for a long time, but we could still take a wrong turn with it, don’t you think?
Carolyn Moynihan
Deputy Editor,
When 19,000 British troops died in a single day
Michael Cook | FEATURES | 1 July 2016
The carnage of World War I was the opening salvo of the culture of death.
New baby, new wonders
Tamara El-Rahi | FAMILY EDGE | 1 July 2016
First impressions from the first weeks of parenthood.
Handshakes, Islam, and religious tolerance in the West
Jennifer S. Bryson | FEATURES | 1 July 2016
Genuine tolerance allows for difference.
The robots are coming!
Marcus Roberts | DEMOGRAPHY IS DESTINY | 1 July 2016
And our jobs are under threat.
World War I marks a bloody anniversary today
Mark Harrison | FEATURES | 1 July 2016
Why the Battle of the Somme marks a turning point of World War I
Don’t feed the trolls
Jennifer Roback Morse | CONNECTING | 1 July 2016
It only encourages the PIPsqueaks.
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