martes, 30 de agosto de 2016

Act Against AIDS Campaigns: New on the Web

Act Against AIDS
New on the Web

The Right Way to Use a Female Condom—This fact sheet gives instructions for the right way to use a female condom. It contains sexually graphic images and may not be suitable for some audiences.

How to Use a Dental Dam as a Barrier for Oral Sex—This fact sheet gives instructions for how to use a dental dam as a barrier for oral sex. It contains sexually graphic images and may not be suitable for some audiences.

HIV Risk Among Persons Who Exchange Sex for Money or Nonmonetary Items—This fact sheet describes the high risk of HIV and other STDs among people who exchange sex for money or nonmonetary items and lists prevention options.

Living With HIV 101—This consumer info sheet describes how to stay healthy if living with HIV, how to get help paying for ART, and how to protect others.

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