sábado, 1 de octubre de 2016

Insight from States on Parity

Insight from States on Parity


Mother and Daughter Talking

SAMHSA recently released a new guide to assist states in promoting equity in behavioral health care coverage. “Approaches in Implementing the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act: Best Practices from States” highlights insight from seven states that promoted parity and focused on implementation. States were asked to share their implementation processes, how they collaborated with other organizations to further parity, and resources used to raise awareness and monitor compliance.
The states identified five key areas they found essential to successfully implement and monitor parity:
  1. Open communication
  2. Standardized materials
  3. Tools like templates and workbooks
  4. Exams and assessments to monitor market health plan practices and network adequacy
  5. Collaboration with state and federal agencies, health insurance providers, and other stakeholder groups.
The free guide is available in the SAMHSA Store for download.

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