jueves, 30 de marzo de 2017

TWH in Action! eNewsletter: Advancing worker well-being through new statewide alliance and TWH certificate programs

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TWH in Action! eNewsletter: Advancing worker well-being through new statewide alliance and TWH certificate programs
March 2017 | Volume 6 - Number 1

New Alliance in Oregon aims to promote Total Worker Health® Statewide

What do one Center of Excellence for TWH, one NIOSH TWH Affiliate, and one state-run OSHA group have in common? They’ve joined together in a new alliance to prioritize worker safety, health, and well-being in their state.

TWH Research Directions

A recent NIH Federal Partners meeting and University of Iowa-hosted research methodology workshop focused on addressing NIH Pathways to Prevention panel report recommendations to identify future research directions and standardize research methods for TWH.

Ping-pong, PPE, and Promising Practices

In this issue’s Promising Practices for TWH, explore how state-chartered, workers’ compensation carrier SAIF Corporation focuses on worker safety, health, and well-being in their own workforce.

Graduate Certificates in TWH

Looking for ways to enhance your knowledge about Total Worker Health concepts? This issue’s Updates from the Office for TWH explores three graduate certificate programs offering options for professional development and training.

What’s the latest TWH research?

New publications this issue include a NIOSH Workplace Solutions document on reducing the health risks of sedentary work using TWH concepts, the link between cardiovascular health and organizational justice, and racial disparities in occupational injury data reporting.

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