miércoles, 30 de agosto de 2017

New Way to Provide Feedback to ONC

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New Way to Send Comments, Feedback to ONC
ONC has updated the Health IT Complaints Form to accept all types of public feedback in one centralized tool and we’ve expanded the number of categories available through which the public can provide input.  The goal of this new form is to make it easier for the public to contact ONC with concerns, questions and input on a variety of topics including health IT and ONC programs. View the new Health IT Feedback Form.
Upcoming Health IT Events & Deadlines
SEPTEMBER 6: Workforce Training Webinar

ONC is hosting an informational webinar featuring workforce training awardees in September showcasing the free workforce training modules available for health IT professionals and educators. These modules, used by more than 9,000 individuals who recently completed the programs, cover a variety of topics including population health, care coordination & interoperable health IT systems, value-based care, patient-centered care, and healthcare data analytics. 
For questions, contact: ONCwebinars@mathematica-mpr.com.
Date & Time: Wednesday, September 6, 2017 at 11:00am – 12:00pm ET
Register: Workforce Training Instructional Materials for Health IT Professionals and Educators

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