miércoles, 28 de febrero de 2018

TeamSTEPPS Webinars | Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality

TeamSTEPPS Webinars | Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality

AHRQ--Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality: Advancing Excellence in Health Care

TeamSTEPPS Webinars

As part of the TeamSTEPPS National Implementation, AHRQ sponsored a webinar series presented by various experts in the field.

Upcoming Webinars

Register Now for March 2018 Webinar on TeamSTEPPS® for Office-Based Care

Registration is now open for an AHRQ webinar, “Introducing TeamSTEPPS for Office-Based Care,” March 5 from 1-2:00 p.m. ET, highlighting the agency’s TeamSTEPPS for Office-Based Care Online Course.  The course focuses on enhancing communication and teamwork skills among office-based professionals to improve patient safety and quality.  Speakers will include Ric Ricciardi, Ph.D, from AHRQ and Brigetta Craft, D.N.P., from Reingold. Presenters will share their perspectives on how TeamSTEPPS can assist health care professionals in developing and optimizing team knowledge and performance in an office setting and how individuals can become involved in the online program. There is no cost to participate in the webinar.

Previous Webinars: 2017

September 2017 Webinar: Maintaining the Gains and Continued Evolution of the TeamSTEPPS Program (Part 3 of 3)

AHRQ hosted a webinar on Wednesday, September 13, from 1 to 2 p.m. ET. This was the third and final webinar in this three-part series about the University of Washington Medicine's journey from essentials to sustainment of a TeamSTEPPS implementation. This webinar, "Maintaining the Gains and Continued Evolution of the TeamSTEPPS Program," featured University of Washington Medicine's Ross Ehrmantraut, RN, clinical director of team performance for WWAMI Institute for Simulation in Healthcare (WISH); Farrah Leland, J.D., associate director of finance for WISH; and Megan Sherman, M.A.Ed.H.D., associate director of operations for WISH.
Part three of the series addressed maintaining the gains and continued evolution of the program.  Examples of resistance and strategies to address them were covered, along with strategies to focus on what's working, leverage successes, regain momentum, and prevent backslide. Throughout the series, UW faculty shared case examples of implementation from initial trainings through ongoing sustainment of the program.
At the end of this webinar, participants will:
  1. Identify "bright spots" in the implementation process and how to leverage them.
  2. Understand the need to evaluate the process frequently and adjust the plan as needed.
  3. Understand the importance of celebrating short-term wins and being transparent with process measures to maintain momentum.
Recording of the webinar:

August 2017 Webinar: Using TeamSTEPPS To Create Change at the Organizational, Team, and Individual Level (Part 2 of 3)

AHRQ hosted a webinar on Wednesday, August 9, from 1 to 2 p.m. ET. This was part two of a three-part series about the University of Washington Medicine's journey from essentials to sustainment of a TeamSTEPPS implementation. This webinar, "Using TeamSTEPPS To Create Change at the Organizational, Team, and Individual Level," featured University of Washington Medicine's Ross Ehrmantraut, RN, clinical director of team performance for WWAMI Institute for Simulation in Healthcare (WISH); Farrah Leland, J.D., associate director of finance for WISH; and Megan Sherman, M.A.Ed.H.D., associate director of operations for WISH.
Part two of the series focused on how to make a change at the organizational, team, and individual level. UW provided a case example and stories of successful implementation within the system, using several change models. Discussion focused on how to most effectively use the models to implement TeamSTEPPS and the importance of frontline ownership versus a top-down approach.
At the end of this webinar, participants will:
  1. Identify and address resistance to change at its source/core level.
  2. Understand the difference between ownership and buy-in and why ownership is essential in implementation.
  3. Identify opportunities to incorporate models of change at different levels in the organization.
Recording of the webinar:

July 2017 Webinar: Introduction to the Fundamentals of TeamSTEPPS Concepts and Tools (Part 1 of 3)

AHRQ hosted a webinar on Wednesday, July 12, from 1 to 2 p.m. ET. This was part one of a three-part series about the University of Washington Medicine's journey from essentials to sustainment of a TeamSTEPPS implementation. This webinar, "Introduction to the Fundamentals of TeamSTEPPS Concepts and Tools," featured University of Washington Medicine's Ross Ehrmantraut, RN, clinical director of team performance for WWAMI Institute for Simulation in Healthcare (WISH); Farrah Leland, J.D., associate director of finance for WISH; and Megan Sherman, M.A.Ed.H.D., associate director of operations for WISH.
Part one of the series introduced the TeamSTEPPS framework and fundamentals of TeamSTEPPS concepts and tools to facilitate better teamwork, communication, and leadership. The webinar described how breaking down the tools and concepts into 100-, 200-, and 300-level skills will help organizations focus on moving their culture to one with improved communication and teamwork, ultimately leading to improved patient outcomes.
At the end of this webinar, participants will:
  1. Discuss how implementing TeamSTEPPS in health care can lead to improved patient outcomes through better communication and teamwork.
  2. Identify the TeamSTEPPS tools associated with the 100-, 200-, and 300-level concepts and discuss how and when they may be best applied in a team setting.
  3. Describe the contributing factors to medical errors and the need for improved communication and teamwork in health care.
Recording of the webinar:

May 2017 Webinar: Presenting TeamSTEPPS® in the Perioperative Setting

AHRQ hosted a webinar on Wednesday, May 10, from 1 to 2 p.m. ET, on one organization's approach to implementing TeamSTEPPS training to the entire perioperative division of more than 600 staff and physicians in a large tertiary medical center. This webinar, "Presenting TeamSTEPPS in the Perioperative Setting," featured Barbara Helliwell, RN, B.S.N., PHN, risk management and patient safety director at Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Medical Center; and Mark Lassoff, M.D., M.B.A., M.P.H., assistant chief of urology, assistant perioperative director, and TeamSTEPPS physician champion at Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Medical Center.
The implementation team's goal was to introduce TeamSTEPPS principles in a manner that would be applicable to all perioperative services and stakeholders without significantly disrupting daily operations. To accomplish this goal, the team focused on leadership support, used multiple TeamSTEPPS tools, surveyed participants before training, designed a program to address organization-specific and participant safety concerns, developed a standard set of safety behaviors that would be applicable in all surgical settings, and established a sustainability and monitoring plan. To this end, the organization successfully trained 475 physicians and staff over the course of 2 days.
This webinar focused on the planning needed to successfully train large audiences, the interdisciplinary approach used, customized learning materials, use of gaming, and focused messaging to enhance team performance and effectiveness. The webinar also discussed challenges encountered, the sustainability and monitoring plan, and results on team behaviors and effectiveness.
At the end of this session, participants will:
  1. Describe strategies for implementing large interdisciplinary training sessions.
  2. Understand how to customize learning materials to increase stakeholder buy-in.
  3. Recognize how TeamSTEPPS training can be customized to meet facility-specific needs.
Recording of the webinar:

April 2017 Webinar: Teams Saving Brains One Minute at a Time

AHRQ hosted a webinar on Wednesday, April 12, from 1 to 2 p.m. ET. on one system's work to improve team effectiveness during stroke codes with the goal of maximizing efficiency and effectiveness of care. This initiative used high-fidelity in situ simulation leveraging TeamSTEPPS tools and strategies to ensure optimal team performance. Outcomes from this team training significantly shortened "door to procedure time" for patients experiencing a stroke. This webinar, "Teams Saving Brains One Minute at a Time," featured Susan Coffey Zern, M.D., M.S.M.S., C.H.S.E., director, simulation, Christiana Care Health System, and Barbara Albani, M.D., director of neurointerventional surgery, Christiana Care Health System.
A patient suffering from a stroke requires the care of an interprofessional team who need to work together quickly and efficiently to restore perfusion to the brain to maximize clinical outcomes. The learning from this webinar can be adapted to any high-acuity clinical situation that requires optimal interprofessional team-based response. Using simulation to observe teamwork and communication to make iterative changes to the process was a key factor driving our improvements. Debriefing with frontline team members allowed rapid cycle testing of proposed changes to shape the final process. We discussed how TeamSTEPPS tools and skills were leveraged in different ways specific to each role.
At the end of this webinar, participants will:
  1. Describe the process of improving Stroke Team response using the TeamSTEPPS framework and tools.
  2. Recognize the value of an iterative approach to improving team effectiveness.
  3. Discuss the importance of using clinical data and feedback to improve and sustain team effectiveness.
Recording of the webinar:

March 2017 Webinar: High-Reliability Organizational Culture Using Standardized Patient Simulation and TeamSTEPPS®

AHRQ hosted a webinar on Wednesday, March 8, from 1 to 2 p.m. ET. on one system's lessons learned from a multicenter collaborative that resulted in more than 20 rapid cycle innovation projects, including nine projects led by frontline staff and four designed to model, practice, and teach TeamSTEPPS key principles using standardized patients in a health care simulation lab. This webinar featured Brent Ibata, Ph.D., J.D., M.P.H., research compliance officer at Sentara Healthcare, and Patric Lundberg, Ph.D., associate professor at Eastern Virginia Medical School. Standardized patient simulation can bridge didactic classroom content into real-world simulated scenarios to facilitate experiential learning of the TeamSTEPPS key principles on the path toward "zero events of preventable harm." A high-reliability organization (HRO) is one that has created and sustained an environment that nurtures and rewards incremental efforts to improve safety while recognizing errors and near-misses as valuable learning opportunities. Standardized patient simulation is one pedagogical tool to model HRO behaviors, stimulate discussions, and practice the TeamSTEPPS key principles of team structure, leadership, situation monitoring, mutual support, and communication.
At the end of this webinar, participants will:
  1. Understand the value of an HRO culture in the design, development, and execution of quality and performance improvement initiatives.
  2. Demonstrate how to create and sustain a culture of creative inquiry to encourage health care innovation and achieve an HRO culture.
  3. Describe how the use of TeamSTEPPS with simulated patients can help to create and sustain a high-reliability culture.
Recording of the webinar:

February Webinar: Teams, TeamSTEPPS, and Team Structures: Models for Functional Collaboration

AHRQ hosted a webinar on Wednesday, February 8, from 1 to 2 p.m. ET on various team models and how they can be enhanced to perform at the highest level. The webinar, "Teams, TeamSTEPPS, and Team Structures: Models for Functional Collaboration," featured William Gordon, DMin, MDiv, Instructor at Rosalind Franklin University in North Chicago. The TeamSTEPPS framework focuses on the optimization of teams. Knowing how teams are organized and the consequences of those structures enables us to more deeply direct likely outcomes to communication, relationships among members, and personal and professional accountability. Equipped with this information, teams and leaders can make conscious choices to intentionally select or potentially hybridize team structures that are best suited to their purpose and desired outcomes.
At the end of this webinar, participants will:
  1. Analyze a team structure by reviewing an organizational chart and hypothesize assets and challenges to relationships, communication, and accountability.
  2. Differentiate between hierarchy, heterarchy, and holacracy as models of team organizational strategies.
  3. Consider possibilities of hybridized organizational models for task- or time-specific teams.
Recording of the webinar:

January Webinar: Brain-Based Learning Strategies to Improve TeamSTEPPS®Deployment and Health Care High Reliability

AHRQ hosted a webinar on Wednesday, January 11, from 1 to 2 p.m. ET on Brain-Based Learning Strategies to Improve TeamSTEPPS Deployment and Health Care High Reliability.
To reliably deliver error-free health care to patients, staff must achieve mastery of the information that defines their scope of practice. Oren Guttman, M.D., M.B.A., director of multidisciplinary team training at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, explained how learning—from the perspective of cognitive neuroscience—is the successful processing of information. Processing includes encoding and storing information and involves the brain's ability to:
  • Make sense of information to evaluate and extrapolate information.
  • Integrate and differentiate information with other similar information.
  • Retain and retrieve information.
  • Use information to project potential results.
Brain-based learning is the strategy of leveraging our current understanding of the human cognitive architecture to design more successful learning opportunities. Teams can employ this approach to enhance engagement and learning in individual TeamSTEPPS deployment projects to accelerate organizational culture change and improve reliability.
At the end of this webinar, participants will:
  1. Understand the impact of cognitive load theory in learning.
  2. Appreciate cognitive differences between novices and experts, strategies to accelerate learning, and related implications.
  3. Understand the role of error management theory as a strategy to accelerate novice learning.
Recording of the webinar:
Page last reviewed February 2018
Page originally created November 2016
Internet Citation: TeamSTEPPS Webinars. Content last reviewed February 2018. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD. http://www.ahrq.gov/teamstepps/webinars/index.html

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