sábado, 31 de marzo de 2018

MMWR Vol. 67 / No. SS-5


MMWR Surveillance Summaries
Vol. 67, No. SS-5
March 30, 2018

In this report
Heart Disease Death Rates Among Blacks and Whites Aged ≥35 Years — United States, 1968–2015
Miriam Van Dyke, MPH; Sophia Greer, MPH; Erika Odom, PhD; et al.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. In 2015, heart disease accounted for approximately 630,000 deaths, representing one in four deaths in the United States. Although heart disease death rates decreased 68% for the total population from 1968 to 2015, marked disparities in decreases exist by race and state. This report demonstrates the use of data from the National Vital Statistics System to conduct surveillance of heart disease death rates by race and of black-white disparities in heart disease death rates among adults aged ≥35 years for 1968–2015.

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