jueves, 30 de agosto de 2018

National Health Statistics Reports Update

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National Health Statistics Reports

National Health Statistics Report Cover

NHSR No. 115. Patient Health Information Shared Electronically by Office-based Physicians: United States, 2015This report expands upon previous research that described the percentage of physicians who electronically sent, received, integrated, and searched for patient health information (PHI) by describing types of PHI that are electronically shared in physician offices.
NHSR No. 116. National Hospital Care Survey Demonstration Projects: Pneumonia Inpatient Hospitalizations and Emergency Department VisitsThis report demonstrates the use of the National Hospital Care Survey (NHCS) for the study of pneumonia inpatient hospitalizations and emergency department (ED) visits. The analysis is based on unweighted data of inpatient and ED encounters from the 2014 NHCS and is intended to illustrate the capabilities of the survey, including the ability to link inpatient hospitalizations or ED visits across settings and with other data sources, once hospital participation allows for nationally representative estimates.

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