sábado, 29 de septiembre de 2018

AHRQ Evidence-Based Practice Update

AHRQ Evidence-Based Practice Update

Preventing One Million Heart Attacks and Strokes: Start with the ABCS

In a new blog, Bob McNellis, AHRQ’s Senior Advisor for Primary Care, shares how AHRQ research and data, from projects such as EvidenceNOW, and the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project, will continue to support HHS’ Million Hearts® national strategy focused on preventing one million heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiovascular events by 2022.
The good news is we know what works. Decreasing cardiovascular risk starts with the ABCS of heart health - Aspirin for those at high risk when appropriate, controlling Blood pressure, managing Cholesterol, and Smoking cessation.
AHRQ is one of many Million Hearts® collaborators from the federal, state, practice, and community levels. Read the blog now.

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