martes, 30 de octubre de 2018

Save the Date! November 15 Webinar: Accessing the Evidence During Times of Crisis

Save the Date! November 15 Webinar: Accessing the Evidence During Times of Crisis

Disaster Information and Emergency Response

WHEN: Thursday, November 15, 2018 at 11:30am ET
WHO CAN PARTICIPATE:  This Disaster Information Specialist monthly webinar is free and open to everyone – please spread the word and invite others in your organizations, send to your email lists, and post to your social media accounts. No registration is required.
SPEAKERS: Ben Heaven Taylor, CEO, Evidence Aid Caroline DeBrun, Knowledge and Evidence Specialist, Public Health England
TOPIC:  Accessing the Evidence During Times of Crisis
Humanitarian Evidence Week (HEW) is an initiative led by Evidence Aidin collaboration with the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine at University of Oxford and other organizations, to promote a more evidence-based approach to humanitarian aid. During HEW, organizations present webinars, write blog posts, and participate in debates to highlight topics related to generation, use and dissemination of evidence in the humanitarian sector.
The National Library of Medicine (NLM) will host a webinar that highlights the work of several international organizations as part of HEW 2018:
Ben Heaven Taylor will introduce Evidence Aid’s work in providing access to evidence-based information on interventions during disasters.
Caroline de Brun will discuss Public Health England’s collaboration with Healthcare Information For All and Evidence Aid to investigate the role of libraries in supporting teams working in disaster zones, by helping them find and use evidence. This presentation will look at the outputs from that collaboration, and describe the work that has followed on, leading to the launch of an International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) Evidence For Global and Disaster Health Special Interest Group.
Event Key: 1234
Audio conference information:
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  • Call-in toll number (US/Canada): 1-650-479-3208 
  • Event number: 625 616 575
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