sábado, 1 de junio de 2019



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Published Date: 2019-06-01 12:25:47
Subject: PRO/AH> Chronic wasting disease - USA (11): (MT) deer
Archive Number: 20190601.6497959
A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases

Date: Thu 30 May 2019
Source: Billings Gazette [edited]

Chronic wasting disease (CWD) was recently found in a white-tailed doe that was killed within the city limits of Libby. Fish, Wildlife & Parks (FWP) officials collected the doe after residents reported seeing a very emaciated and sick-looking deer. This week, initial test results came back positive for CWD. Results of a 2nd confirmation test are expected early next week. This is the 1st time CWD has been detected in the wild, west of the Continental Divide in Montana.

"...This detection west of the Continental Divide is extremely troubling," said Nick Gevock, conservation director for the Montana Wildlife Federation, in a statement. "This speaks to the need for rapid response to do everything we can to limit the spread of the disease, and also for Congress to act on Sen. Tester's bill to secure federal funding to help Montana FWP do the work needed to address the disease."

In accordance with FWP's CWD response plan, an incident command team has been assembled to respond to the detection. The incident command team will define an Initial Response Area (IRA) around where the infected animal was collected. This will include an area within a roughly 10-mile [16km] radius of the collection site. The IRA defines the area within which the disease prevalence and distribution will be determined. In addition, FWP will collect samples from road-killed deer in Hunting Districts 100, 101, 103 and 104.

People in the Libby area who see a deer that appears to be sick are being asked to call 291-6539 and leave a message with their name, number, the location of the animal and the time they saw it.

CWD is a progressive fatal disease affecting the nervous system of mule deer, white-tailed deer, elk and moose. It is part of a group of diseases called transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs). TSEs are caused by infectious, mis-folded prion proteins, which cause normal prion proteins throughout a healthy animal's body to mis-fold, resulting in organ damage and eventual death.

CWD is a slow-moving disease. However, left unmanaged, it could result in long-term population declines within affected herds. All the states and provinces bordering Montana, other than Idaho and British Columbia, have found CWD in their wild cervids.

CWD was 1st found in wild deer in Montana in October 2017. To date, CWD has been detected in Carbon, Liberty, Hill, Blaine, Phillips, Valley, Daniels, Sheridan and now Lincoln counties. To prevent the spread of CWD within Montana, FWP establishes CWD Management Zones in areas where CWD has been found. Whole carcass, whole head or spinal column from any deer, elk, or moose harvested cannot be removed from these zones unless the animal has tested negative for CWD.

For more information about CWD in Montana, visit <fwp.mt.gov> and click on Chronic Wasting Disease Management.

communicated by:
ProMED-mail from HealthMap Alerts

[This is a worrying expansion of the disease, west of the Continental Divide. However, it might be suggested an expansion into town is also worrying. In Montana it may be more of a common occurrence to find deer in town. But certainly not diseased ones. They are wise to take this as a warning of what could come.

I wonder if science, in its wisdom, has considered the spread may not be due to a prion but perhaps some other organism? - Mod.TG

HealthMap/ProMED-mail map of Montana, United States: http://healthmap.org/promed/p/228.]

See Also

Chronic wasting disease - USA (10): (VA) deer 20190420.6433133
Chronic wasting disease - USA (09): (SD) captive elk 20190326.6388782
Chronic wasting disease - USA (08): (MS) deer 20190318.6374364
Chronic wasting disease - USA (07): (MN) deer 20190313.6364182
Chronic wasting disease - USA (06): (WI) deer 20190307.6353801
Chronic wasting disease - USA (05): (KS) deer 20190226.6336284
Chronic wasting disease - USA (04): (MS) deer 20190222.6331698
Chronic wasting disease - USA (03): (MO) deer 20190206.6303562
Chronic wasting disease - USA (02): (MS) deer 20190129.6284545
Chronic wasting disease - USA (01): (IA) deer 20190114.6258100
Chronic wasting disease, cervid - USA (26): (ND, TN) 20181229.6227618
Chronic wasting disease, cervid - USA (25): (NE) 20181220.6217578
Chronic wasting disease, cervid - USA (24): (MT) 20181215.6210816
Chronic wasting disease, cervid - USA (23): (MN, ND) 20181208.6198094
Chronic wasting disease, cervid - USA (22): (MO) 20181206.6185136
Chronic wasting disease, cervid - USA (21): (MT) 20181205.6182560
Chronic wasting disease, cervid - USA (20): (MO) 20181204.6178866
Chronic wasting disease, cervid - USA (19): (MT) 20181120.6156684
Chronic wasting disease, cervid - USA (18): (MT) 20181107.6132264
Chronic wasting disease, cervid - USA (17): (WY) 20181031.6122575
Chronic wasting disease, cervid - USA (16): (MO) 20181026.6114791
Chronic wasting disease, cervid - USA (15): (MI) Upper Peninsula 20181025.6112635
Chronic wasting disease, cervid - USA (14): (WY) new hunt area 20180926.6054135
Chronic wasting disease, cervid - USA (13): (WY) new species in area 20180829.5995612
Chronic wasting disease, cervid - USA (12): (MN) research 20180819.5972865
Chronic wasting disease, cervid - USA (11): (WI) 20180719.5915033
Chronic wasting disease, cervid - USA (09): (WI) 20180604.5838530
Chronic wasting disease, cervid - USA (08): (MO) 20180503.5782317
Chronic wasting disease, cervid - USA (07): (WI) 20180422.5762794
Chronic wasting disease, cervid - USA (06): (MO, WI) 20180420.5757898
Chronic wasting disease, cervid - USA (13): (WI) captive deer 20171022.5396121
Chronic wasting disease, cervid - USA (16): (WI) 20161002.4530266
Chronic wasting disease, cervid - USA (04): (WI) 20160131.3982305
Chronic wasting disease, cervid - USA (02): (WI) 20160120.3950428
Chronic wasting disease, cervid - USA (19): (WY,WI) 20151209.3852129
Chronic wasting disease, cervid - USA (18): (WI) 20151204.3841002
Chronic wasting disease, cervid - USA (15): (WI) comment 20151122.3810107
Chronic wasting disease, cervid - USA (13): (WY,WI) 20151120.3807796
Chronic wasting disease, cervid - USA (03): (WI) 20150628.3470702
Chronic wasting disease, cervid - USA (07): (WI) 20131205.2093134
Chronic wasting disease, cervid - USA: (WI) 20130105.1483535
Chronic wasting disease, cervid - USA (14): (IA,WI) 20121218.1457000
Chronic wasting disease, cervid - USA (13): (WI) 20121214.1450977
Chronic wasting disease, cervid - USA (05): (VA, WI) corr. (MO NOT WI) 20120326.1081538
Chronic wasting disease, cervids - USA (07): (WI) 20081218.3982
and other items in the archives

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