domingo, 29 de septiembre de 2019

LTCH Provider Preview Reports – Now Available

CMS Open Door Forum

 LTCH Provider Preview Reports – Now Available
Long-Term Care Hospital (LTCH) Provider Preview Reports have been updated and are now available.  The data contained within the Preview Reports is based on quality data submitted by LTCHs between Quarter 2 – 2018 and Quarter 1 – 2019, and reflects what will be published on LTCH Compare during the December 2019 refresh of the website. Providers have 30 days (9/11/19 to 10/11/19) to review their performance data. Corrections to the underlying data will not be permitted during this time; however, providers can request CMS review of their data during the preview period if they believe the quality measure scores that are displayed within their Preview Reports are inaccurate.
As a reminder, data for the quality measure Percent of Residents or Patients that have New or Worsened Pressure Ulcers (short stay), will continue to reflect data collected between Quarter 3 2017 – Quarter 2 2018. This data will continue to be publicly displayed until such time as the new Changes in Skin Integrity Post-Acute Care: Pressure Ulcer/Injury, is publicly displayed in fall 2020, as finalized in the FY 2018 IPPS/LTCH PPS Final Rule.
As of the December 2019 refresh, CMS will no longer publicly display the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Facility-wide Inpatient Hospital-onset Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Bacteremia outcome measure, as finalized in the FY 2019 IPPS/LTCH PPS Final Rule. This change is reflected in your preview reports.
LTCHs can access their preview report by logging in to iQIES at At the main screen, select Reports; then ‘My Reports’.
For more information:

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