viernes, 31 de enero de 2020

Is it wise to lie to the feds?

The Readout
Damian Garde & Meghana Keshavan

Is it wise to lie to the feds?

Is pharma taking Sen. Bernie Sanders seriously? And what constitutes a "public health emergency of international concern?"
We discuss all that and more on the latest episode of “The Readout LOUD,” STAT’s biotech podcast. First, we break down the bizarre story of the high-profile Harvard chemist charged with lying to the FBI about pocketing thousands of dollars from the Chinese government. Then, STAT's Helen Branswell joins us for an update on efforts to contain the novel coronavirus spreading around the world. Later, STAT Washington correspondent Lev Facher calls in to talk about Sanders' rise in the polls and how the issue of drug pricing is shaping the race for the Democratic nomination.

You can find the episode here.
Also: We're coming up on the 100th episode of the podcast, and we're using the occasion to actualize our long-held dream of running a call-in show. Dial us at 617-517-6130 and leave a message with any question you'd like us to answer on the podcast, and you may just hear it on air in the coming weeks.

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