martes, 31 de marzo de 2020

Editorials: Today's Editorial Opinions, Pages, News, Articles, Today's Editorial Column | The Indian Express

Editorials: Today's Editorial Opinions, Pages, News, Articles, Today's Editorial Column | The Indian Express

The Delhi exodus: What we failed to learn from 1889 and 1900 | The Indian Express

BMC issues circular: Bodies must be cremated irrespective of religion

The Delhi exodus: What we failed to learn from 1889 and 1900

MARCH 31, 2020 3:35:40 PM
The regulations both past and present have overlooked the basic fact that actions and prohibitions made with the noblest of intentions and based on solid scientific backings will amount to nothing, if those who are to abide by them end up refusing them en masse.

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Why selective testing and lockdown are more suitable for India than WHO’s ‘test, test, test’ doctrine

MARCH 31, 2020 4:30:50 PM
Given India’s resources, the current testing policy and lockdown to cut down transmission seems to be appropriate. On paper, it must flatten the curve, reduce the epidemic momentum and even almost stop it from becoming a generalised epidemic.

Lockdown is a problem, social distancing a new challenge, but there are ways to keep things going

MARCH 31, 2020 11:00:16 AM
Milk, being an essential commodity, plus the brand itself, meant that we never really faced issues. Our vehicles were never stopped; my own car, plastered with an Amul milk poster on the windscreen, could easily ride through the curfew areas in east Ahmedabad.

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A mask and a shield

MARCH 31, 2020 1:27:55 AM
Expansion of mask production on war footing and call to action for all Indians to wear them are needed.

India lockdown, migrant labourer, relief package, coronavirus lockdown relief package, covid 19, indian express

Lock, don’t shut

MARCH 31, 2020 1:14:18 AM
Economy is a living machine — cannot be simply turned off and on. Even in lockdown, it needs to be kept alive.

India lockdown, migrant labourer, relief package, coronavirus lockdown relief package, covid 19, indian express


MARCH 31, 2020 12:17:39 AM
It is imperative that the battle on the mental health front is integrated into the war against COVID-19.

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