domingo, 24 de diciembre de 2023

Next Generation Public Health Genomics: A Call to Assess the Equitable Implementation, Population Health Impact, and Sustainability of Precision Public Health Applications MC Roberts et al, Public Health Genomics, December 22, 2023 From the article: "The field of Public Health Genomics recently celebrated its twenty-fifth anniversary. Defined by the CDC as responsible and effective translation of genome-based knowledge and technologies for the benefit of population health, public health genomics applications have expanded beyond newborn screening to other applications poised to improve public health. Yet despite the promise and potential for public health genomics, the population health impact and sustainability of public health genomics applications has yet to be fully measured and achieved. Further access to public health genomics applications has been lower among underrepresented racial and ethnic communities, rural communities, and groups with lower education and income, deepening concerns that the field could exacerbate rather than redress health inequities. "

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