miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2024

Variation in Use of Dental Services by Children and Adults Enrolled in Medicaid or CHIP Elizabeth Williams and Robin Rudowitz Published: May 29, 2024

https://www.kff.org/medicaid/issue-brief/variation-in-use-of-dental-services-by-children-and-adults-enrolled-in-medicaid-or-chip/?utm_campaign=KFF-Medicaid&utm_medium=email&_hsenc=p2ANqtz--O9hLM7hY6_1HKODkEddtN34O2wzTwnWxHRONhOLJakKikBdK94RZXFIrZOjguOPdpk3yubhH7QMNo5xiKdTqX14Hb2Q&_hsmi=309119843&utm_content=309119843&utm_source=hs_email A new KFF brief analyzes how Medicaid dental coverage and service use varies for children and adults as well as by race/ethnicity, state, and rural/urban regions, including how different barriers and coverage policies impact access to oral health care. Among adults with Medicaid, use of dental services is higher in states with extensive dental coverage. Meanwhile, service use among children varies substantially by state, even though all state Medicaid programs are required to cover their dental services. Overall, Medicaid enrollees have low rates of dental service use, which could indicate barriers to care, such as a lack of available dental providers in general or that accept Medicaid. CONTACT: Tammie Smith | 202.654.1410 | TammieS@kff.org

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