jueves, 20 de junio de 2024

Journals that published Richard Lynn’s racist ‘research’ articles should retract them Richard Lynn's work, especially his "national IQ" data, has been condemned as seriously flawed. It's time to retract these racist studies. By Dan Samorodnitsky, Kevin Bird, Jedidiah Carlson, James Lingford, Jon Phillips, Rebecca Sear, and Cathryn Townsend

https://www.statnews.com/?p=1171742&utm_campaign=morning_rounds&utm_medium=email&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-9FaD_sNZkWDfLwvIt_IzyMwATL1_q28am3w5WD-SXwsg4U7-kgzu2sph9r0ZMPeZ17mgLCNaVmiOjhCf7lUDYiqw5Hhg&_hsmi=312191336&utm_content=312191336&utm_source=hs_email Addiction experts are sounding the alarm on a potential new crisis: gambling A casino on the Las Vegas strip may have been an odd choice for a conference about treating opioid addiction. But it came with a silver lining: An opportunity for addiction experts to sound the alarm about the proliferation of online sports betting and, more broadly, the intersection of gambling and substance use disorders. Drug counselors might be ill-equipped to help patients who present with concerning gambling behavior alongside a substance use disorder, one presenter said. Many will need to get up to speed quickly: Americans bet nearly $120 billion on sports in 2023, and the link between gambling and suicidality is well-documented. But the field is working to adapt, and a select few lawmakers are working to step in and regulate an industry that Rep. Paul Tonko (D-N.Y.) suggested could quickly turn into a “Wild West.

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