martes, 18 de junio de 2024

Long Covid feels like a gun to my head By Rachel Hall-CliffordJune 18, 2024 Rachel Hall-Clifford has spent her career studying neglected tropical diseases. But in 2022, she got Covid for the first time, and now she has her own neglected disease: long Covid. Hall-Clifford is not easily intimidated — she once talked a Guatemalan street gang out of harming her research team as someone held an assault rifle to their heads during a robbery. But in a new First Opinion essay, she admits that long Covid scares her like nothing else. “This is not a funny story I will tell colleagues over drinks later,” she writes. “I spend a lot of my time lying in the dark (I’m here now, even as I type this) negotiating with god and science to make me — and all of us suffering with long Covid and other post-viral illnesses — better.” Read the essay, and watch out for an interview with Hall-Clifford on the First Opinion Podcast tomorrow.

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