lunes, 22 de julio de 2024

Trump rallies his base on bolstering health care, avoiding thorny questions about health rights Sarah Owermohle By Sarah Owermohle July 19, 2024 Trump campaign provides details on his ear wound after rallying the base on health care at the RNC Former President Donald Trump required no stitches after a gunshot grazed his ear at a campaign rally July 13, his former White House doctor said in a memo released Saturday by Trump’s campaign. The bullet passed less than a quarter inch from the former president’s head, causing a two-centimeter-wide wound and “significant bleeding, followed by marked swelling of the entire upper ear,” Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Texas) said in the letter. But “given the broad and blunt nature of the wound itself, no sutures were required,” Jackson wrote. Experts in trauma medicine told STAT earlier last week that the ear was likely to heal and fill in without stitches. The update comes after a week of public appearances at the RNC’s campaign convention, where Trump appeared with a large bandage on his right ear and told attendees that the bullet came perilously close to killing him. On Thursday night, Trump gave a 90-minute acceptance speech for the Republican nomination to the presidency. While the vast majority of his hour-and-a-half speech rallied convention-goers on the economy, border control, and foreign relations, the former president hit on some health care issues, such as Right to Try legislation, that have polled well with voters even if they have seen little impact so far. Read more in two stories from STAT’s Sarah Owermohle on how the wound is healing and what health care issues Trump did and didn’t touch in his nomination acceptance speech last week. Trump campaign provides new details on his ear wound and treatment Sarah Owermohle By Sarah Owermohle July 20, 2024

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