jueves, 1 de agosto de 2024

How NIMH’s Disparities Research Priorities Inform Suicide Prevention Efforts Beshaun Davis, Ph.D., and Stacia Friedman-Hill, Ph.D., on behalf of the NIMH Office of Disparities Research and Workforce Diversity and the NIMH Disparities Team

https://www.nimh.nih.gov/about/director/messages/2024/how-nimhs-disparities-research-priorities-inform-suicide-prevention-efforts?utm_campaign=MMHM24&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govd As July ends, let's continue to honor Minority Mental Health Awareness Month by reflecting on the National Institute of Mental Health's (NIMH) dedication to mental health equity. The Office of Disparities Research and Workforce Diversity and the Disparities Team are leading the charge in addressing mental health disparities and enhancing suicide prevention for underserved communities. Together with all of NIMH, we’re making strides in research and interventions to save lives and improve outcomes. Learn more about our efforts and how we’re advancing equity in mental health.

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