viernes, 20 de septiembre de 2024

AHRQ's Healthcare Extension Service: State-Based Solutions to Healthcare Improvement

AHRQ's Healthcare Extension Service: State-Based Solutions to Healthcare Improvement: The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) intends to publish a funding opportunity announcement to create State-based Healthcare Extension Cooperatives that can accelerate the implementation of actionable evidence into practice.

Diagnostic Safety Centers of Excellence

Diagnostic Safety Centers of Excellence: In fiscal year 2022, Congress authorized funding to support AHRQ's research to address failures in the diagnostic process, which may include the establishment of Research Centers of Diagnostic Excellence to develop systems, measures, and new technology solutions to improve diagnostic safety and quality. In response, AHRQ awarded 10 grants to establish Diagnostic Safety Centers of Excellence.


Sepsis: AHRQ has tools that show best practices in diagnosing and treating sepsis that promote antibiotic stewardship.

An Assessment of Sepsis in the United States and Its Burden on Hospital Care

An Assessment of Sepsis in the United States and Its Burden on Hospital Care: This report offers a comprehensive assessment of hospital care for sepsis in the United States. It begins with an overview of the Congress's directive in the Fiscal Year 2023 Omnibus Spending Bill, then provides background on sepsis, including causes, disease progression, comorbidities, risk factors, complications, and treatment.

Perceptions of hospital electronic health record (EHR) training, support, and patient safety by staff position and tenure. September 18, 2024 Perceptions of hospital electronic health record (EHR) training, support, and patient safety by staff position and tenure. Campione JR, Liu H. BMC Health Serv Res. 2024;24(1):955. Electronic health record (EHR) design and usability can affect patient safety. This study used data from the 2017 AHRQ Surveys on Patient Safety Culture® (SOPS®) Hospital Survey Version 1.0 Database and the SOPS Health Information Technology Patient Safety Supplemental Items to assess staff perceptions of EHR safety and usability by staff position and tenure. Pharmacists gave more unfavorable scores to EHR usability compared to nurses. Staff who were employed less than one year were more likely to report worse EHR training, and those employed more than 10 years were most dissatisfied with the EHR overall.

ROI for a fall prevention intervention: invest a little, save a lot. September 18, 2024 ROI for a fall prevention intervention: invest a little, save a lot. Cooper AS. Nurs Adm Q. 2024;48(3):248-252. Falls and falls with injury are significant sources of morbidity and mortality and can have substantial negative impact on organizational finances. Fall Tailoring Interventions for Patient Safety (Fall TIPS) is an evidence-based program that engages patients in their own fall prevention program. This study showed that after implementing the Fall TIPS program, falls and falls with injury decreased in several hospital units resulting in a return on investment of $982,700.

Assessing between- and within-hospital differences in patient safety between Medicaid and privately insured hospital patients. September 18, 2024 Assessing between- and within-hospital differences in patient safety between Medicaid and privately insured hospital patients. Gangopadhyaya A. J Patient Saf. 2024;Epub Aug 2024. Patients from disadvantaged groups (e.g., patients of color, low income, non-English speaking) experience poorer medical outcomes. This study used hospital discharge data from nearly 2.1 million discharges for Medicaid and privately insured patients. Patients with Medicaid were more likely to be younger, Black or Hispanic, living in low-income neighborhoods, and have more comorbidities than patients with private insurance. When compared with privately insured patients, Medicaid patients experienced significantly higher rates of pressure injuries, catheter-related infections, and six-out-of-seven surgery-related safety indicators. This held true when adjusted for patient demographics, comorbidities, and location.

jueves, 19 de septiembre de 2024

Ownership of Practices

Ownership of Practices: The Compendium of U.S. Health Systems now includes data on ownership of healthcare practices. The visualization allows filtering by state to show the proportions of practices that are corporate owned, owned by integrated delivery networks, and independent.

Comparative Health System Performance Initiative

Comparative Health System Performance Initiative: AHRQ created the Comparative Health System Performance Initiative to study how health care delivery systems promote evidence-based practices in delivering care.

This final guidance provides recommendations for sponsors, investigators, and other interested community members regarding the implementation of clinical trials with decentralized elements. Decentralized elements allow trial-related activities to occur remotely at locations convenient for trial participants. Submit comments by November 18, 2024 The FDA issued a draft guidance for industry that, when finalized, will provide sponsors with recommendations for conducting multiregional clinical trials (MRCT) in support of applications for drugs intended to treat cancer. An MRCT is a trial that is conducted in more than one region under a single protocol, with region defined as a geographical region, country, or regulatory region.

Conducting Clinical Trials With Decentralized Elements September 2024 This final guidance provides recommendations for sponsors, investigators, and other interested community members regarding the implementation of clinical trials with decentralized elements. Decentralized elements allow trial-related activities to occur remotely at locations convenient for trial participants.

Integrating Randomized Controlled Trials for Drug and Biological Products Into Routine Clinical Practice Draft Guidance for Industry September 2024 Submit comments by December 17, 2024 The FDA issued this draft guidance to provide recommendations about how clinical trials can be moved into clinical practice settings. Also known as "point of care trials," these trials, like decentralized clinical trials, aim to bring trial-related activities to more convenient locations for patients. They may improve convenience and accessibility for participants and allow for enrollment of more representative populations, resulting in more generalizable trial results.

AHRQ's Healthcare Extension Service: State-Based Solutions to Healthcare Improvement

AHRQ's Healthcare Extension Service: State-Based Solutions to Healthcare Improvement: The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) intends to publish a funding opportunity announcement to create State-based Healthcare Extension Cooperatives that can accelerate the implementation of actionable evidence into practice.

Biometric data from smartwatches might predict COVID-19 | Drug Discovery News

Biometric data from smartwatches might predict COVID-19 | Drug Discovery News: A bioengineer mines the biometric data from smartwatches and smartphones to find digital biomarkers for respiratory infections like COVID-19.

Detecting disease with smartphone screens | Drug Discovery News

Detecting disease with smartphone screens | Drug Discovery News: To dismantle healthcare barriers in low-resource areas, researchers measure the color signatures of jaundice and anemia using a device that’s in everyone’s pocket.

How the immune system destroys cancer drugs | Drug Discovery News

How the immune system destroys cancer drugs | Drug Discovery News: Natural killer cells can sometimes attack beneficial CAR T cell immunotherapies. Now, researchers have discovered why and a potential way to stop them.

Preventing autoimmune disease | Drug Discovery News

Preventing autoimmune disease | Drug Discovery News: Once symptoms show up, it’s too late to cure many autoimmune diseases. Researchers are investigating ways to prevent the conditions from starting at all.

World Patient Safety Day, September 17: Highlighting how the Surveys on Patient Safety Culture® Equip Medical Offices to Assess the Impact of Culture on Diagnostic Processes In recognition of the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) World Patient Safety Day on September 17, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) joins WHO in support of its quest to make healthcare safer. This year’s World Patient Safety Day theme—Improving Diagnosis for Patient Safety—aligns with the purpose of AHRQ’s Surveys on Patient Safety Culture® (SOPS®) Diagnostic Safety Supplemental Item Set. The Diagnostic Safety Supplemental Item Set assesses staff perceptions of the extent to which organizational culture in medical offices supports diagnostic processes, accurate diagnoses, and communication around diagnoses. Findings from the 2024 SOPS Medical Office Diagnostic Safety Supplemental Item Set Database Report showed that: While 72 percent of staff and providers rated their organization’s overall diagnostic safety procedures favorably, medical offices with 6 or more providers were less likely to do so. Only 60 percent of respondents agreed there is enough time available to fully evaluate the conditions that patients present with, review relevant information, and finish patient notes by the end of the regular workday. Approximately 84 percent of respondents agreed that tests, referrals, and other diagnostic procedures are effectively tracked and followed, and that all results are communicated to patients.

Multiple sclerosis 2024: Consensus quality indicators for monitoring multiple sclerosis Voigt et al. The Lancet Regional Health – Europe

Executive Summary Multiple sclerosis is an immune-mediated disease of the central nervous system and a leading cause of neurological disability. Considerable progress in imaging techniques and fluid biomarkers have enhanced our understanding of MS, improving diagnostic, prognostic, and treatment monitoring tools. However, understanding the different clinical manifestations, timely diagnosis and treatment success remains a critical unmet need.

Head and neck cancer consensus recommendations

Heterogeneity in diagnostic criteria for extranodal extensions results in inconsistencies in clinical decision making. Moreover, there is an urgent need for standardisation of endpoints in clinical trials for head and neck cancer. In this four-part Series by The Lancet Oncology, the Head and Neck Cancer International Group—a consortium of 21 national head and neck oncology research groups—provides consensus recommendations for clear definitions of extranodal extensions and clinical-trial endpoints to inform and standardise clinical practice globally.

On World Patient Safety Day, AHRQ Highlights the Urgent Need to Address Diagnostic Safety

On World Patient Safety Day, AHRQ Highlights the Urgent Need to Address Diagnostic Safety: As the healthcare community prepares to recognize World Patient Safety Day 2024, AHRQ looks forward to joining Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra and other healthcare leaders at the White House to commemorate the observance and affirm their commitment to safe care everywhere and zero preventable harm for all.

TeamSTEPPS Diagnosis Improvement Course

TeamSTEPPS Diagnosis Improvement Course: The TeamSTEPPS for Diagnosis Improvement Course applies the TeamSTEPPS framework to the specific problem of diagnostic error.

Blueprint MedTech continues to fuel the innovation of devices to treat and diagnose conditions affecting the nervous system

Blueprint MedTech continues to fuel the innovation of devices to treat and diagnose conditions affecting the nervous system: NIH has just awarded $17 million for a group of projects undertaken by small and mid-sized businesses, nonprofit organizations, and academia participating in the Blueprint MedTech program.

Impact of automated alerts on discharge opioid overprescribing after general surgery. September 11, 2024 Impact of automated alerts on discharge opioid overprescribing after general surgery. Rizk E, Kaur N, Duong PY, et al. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2024;Epub Jul 1. Overprescribing of opioids for acute pain (such as post-surgical pain) can increase the risk for long-term opioid dependence. This study evaluated whether implementation of an EHR alert reduced opioid overprescribing, defined as opioid prescribing exceeding current recommendations. Among a cohort of patients discharged after surgical procedures commonly associated with overprescribing (laparoscopic cholecystectomy, unilateral open inguinal hernia repair, and laparoscopic appendectomy), researchers identified a significant decrease in opioid overprescribing after the EHR alert implementation (48% pre-implementation to 3% post-implementation). Researchers also observed a significant decrease in the average opioid supply at discharge.

Evaluation and mitigation of the limitations of large language models in clinical decision-making. September 11, 2024 Evaluation and mitigation of the limitations of large language models in clinical decision-making. Hager P, Jungmann F, Holland R, et al. Nat Med. 2024;Epub Jul 4. Researchers, clinicians, and other stakeholders are hopeful that integration of artificial intelligence and large language models (LLMs) can improve patient safety and reduce clinician burden. This study used 2,400 real patient cases to test several LLM's ability to correctly diagnose common abdominal complaints. Each LLM performed significantly worse than physicians, did not follow treatment or diagnostic guidelines, could not interpret laboratory results, and often failed to follow instructions.

Components of pharmacist-led medication reviews and their relationship to outcomes: a systematic review and narrative synthesis. September 11, 2024 Components of pharmacist-led medication reviews and their relationship to outcomes: a systematic review and narrative synthesis. Craske ME, Hardeman W, Steel N, et al. BMJ Qual Saf. 2024;Epub Jul 16. At several points during a hospital stay, a patient may receive a medication review with a pharmacist to reduce the risk of medication errors. This review characterizes themes and components of pharmacist-led medication reviews associated with positive patient outcomes. Patient involvement in goal setting was identified as a successful component that would benefit from additional research.

Advancing Patient Safety through Diagnostic Excellence, September 17, 12-1 PM ET Registration Is Open for Our September 17 Webinar: “Advancing Patient Safety Through Diagnostic Excellence” Celebrate World Patient Safety Day with AHRQ’s National Action Alliance by joining us September 17, 12:00-1:00 PM ET, for a webinar on improving patient safety through better diagnosis. Experts from the University of Toronto, Baylor College of Medicine, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, and RAND will share recently developed tools and strategies for reducing diagnostic error. Kelly Smith, PhD, Michael Garron Chair in Patient-Oriented Research, Michael Garron Hospital, and associate professor, Institute of Health Policy, Management, & Evaluation, University of Toronto, will provide an overview of the Toolkit for Engaging Patients to Improve Diagnostic Safety. She will discuss the critical role patients played in the toolkit’s development and feature examples from the pilot test to showcase lessons learned and effective organizational implementation strategies. Andrea Bradford, PhD, associate professor, Baylor College of Medicine, and assistant professor, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, will introduce the Measure Dx toolkit, designed to help healthcare organizations identify diagnostic safety events and learn from them. She will offer real-world examples from the toolkit’s pilot test to demonstrate the most effective ways organizations can use these tools to measure and improve diagnostic safety. Sangeeta C. Ahluwalia, PhD, senior policy researcher and associate research department director, Behavioral and Policy Sciences Department, RAND, will outline an exciting AHRQ implementation opportunity. She will detail what participation will involve and how organizations can advance diagnostic safety practices within their healthcare settings. This webinar offers an excellent opportunity to gain practical knowledge and actionable strategies for improving patient safety through more accurate diagnosis. Don’t miss the chance to learn from experts and discover how your organization can implement these critical tools.

AHRQ Announces Historic Funding Opportunities to Establish State-based Solutions to Accelerate Health Care Improvement

AHRQ Announces Historic Funding Opportunities to Establish State-based Solutions to Accelerate Health Care Improvement: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) announced a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) to establish state-based Healthcare Extension Cooperatives, representing a historic investment to accelerate the implementation and dissemination of patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR) into health care delivery through improvements in health care policy, payment, and practice, and to reduce health care disparities, especially among people who receive Medicaid, are uninsured, and/or are medically underserved.

CAHPS Research Meetings: Upcoming: Patient-Reported Experience and Outcome Measures (PREMs and PROMs) in Research and Clinical Practice (September 17, 2024) Date: September 17, 2024 Time: 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. ET

CAHPS Research Meetings: AHRQ occasionally hosts research meetings that bring together researchers, subject matter experts and key stakeholders to focus on specific topics of interest related to CAHPS surveys.

AHRQ Papers on Diagnostic Safety Topics

AHRQ Papers on Diagnostic Safety Topics: Diagnostic errors occur in all settings of care, contribute to about 10 percent of patient deaths, and are the primary reason for medical liability claims. AHRQ is the lead Federal agency investing in research to improve diagnostic safety and reduce diagnostic error. AHRQ is currently developing a series of papers on different diagnostic safety issues, which will be released over the next year.

SOPS Nursing Home Database

SOPS Nursing Home Database: The Nursing Home SOPS Database is a central repository for survey data from nursing homes that administered the AHRQ patient safety culture survey.

Workplace Safety Supplemental Item Set for Nursing Home SOPS

Workplace Safety Supplemental Item Set for Nursing Home SOPS: AHRQ is developing a Workplace Safety Supplemental Item Set for the Surveys on Patient Safety Culture™ (SOPS®) Nursing Home Survey.

Nursing Home Survey on Patient Safety Culture

Nursing Home Survey on Patient Safety Culture: The Nursing Home SOPS asks providers and staff for their opinions about the culture of patient safety in their nursing homes.

eCare Plan: New Standards Support Integrating Data for Person-Centered Care Planning

eCare Plan: The eCare Plan project aims to build care planning tools that will improve how we do research and provide healthcare for people with multiple chronic conditions. These tools include data standards and electronic care plan applications that allow all members of the healthcare team (including patients and caregivers) to see and share critical health data from multiple electronic health records across many healthcare settings. Person-centered data often are not easily shared from one health setting to another, in part because electronic health records (EHR) at different settings don’t “talk” to one another. To address this challenge, AHRQ and the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases developed a Health Level 7 (HL7) implementation guide that provides data standards for the aggregation and sharing of data from different EHRs and settings to support person-centered care planning and care coordination for people at risk for or living with multiple chronic conditions. The HL7 Implementation Guide is part of the eCare Plan project, which aims to build SMART on FHIR electronic care plan applications that allow all members of the healthcare team—including people receiving care and their caregivers—to see and share critical health data. Plain Language Summary about HL7 and this Guide

Resources and Tools on Patient and Healthcare Workforce Safety

Resources and Tools on Patient and Healthcare Workforce Safety: This curated list of resources aligns with the four foundational areas identified by the National Action Plan. These resources will help address many of the issues identified in a safety assessment.

AHRQ's Healthcare Extension Service: State-Based Solutions to Healthcare Improvement

AHRQ's Healthcare Extension Service: State-Based Solutions to Healthcare Improvement: The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) intends to publish a funding opportunity announcement to create State-based Healthcare Extension Cooperatives that can accelerate the implementation of actionable evidence into practice.

AHRQ in the Professional Literature

Market factors associated with comprehensive behavioral health crisis care availability: a resource dependence theory study. Burns A, Vest JR, Menachemi N, et al. Inquiry. 2024 Jan-Dec;61:469580241256822. Access the abstract on PubMed®. Urinary retention evaluation and catheterization algorithm for adult inpatients. Chrouser K, Fowler KE, Mann JD, et al. JAMA Netw Open. 2024 Jul;7(7):e2422281. Access the abstract on PubMed®. Differential hospital participation in bundled payments in communities with higher shares of marginalized populations. Crowley AP, Neville S, Sun C, et al. J Gen Intern Med. 2024 May;39(7):1180-7. Epub 2024 Feb 6. Access the abstract on PubMed®. Profile of older dual-enrollees living in areas with managed long-term services and supports. Jopson AD, Fabius CD, Shen K, et al. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2024 Apr;25(4):722-8. Epub 2023 Dec 13. Access the abstract on PubMed®. Value-based payment models and management of newly diagnosed prostate cancer. Maganty A, Kaufman SR, Oerline MK, et al. Cancer Med. 2024 Jan;13(1):e6810. Epub 2023 Dec 26. Access the abstract on PubMed®. Predictors of transition outcomes in cystic fibrosis: analysis of National Patient Registry and CF RISE (Responsibility. Independence. Self-care. Education) data. Melton K, Liu J, Sadeghi H, et al. J Pediatr. 2024 Feb;265:113812. Epub 2023 Nov 2. Access the abstract on PubMed®. Comparative analysis of machine learning versus traditional method for early detection of parental depression symptoms in the NICU. Sadjadpour F, Hosseinichimeh N, Abedi V, et al. Front Public Health. 2024 May 28;12:1380034. Access the abstract on PubMed®. Barriers and facilitators to harm reduction for opioid use disorder: a qualitative study of people with lived experience. Westafer LM, Beck SA, Simon C, et al. Ann Emerg Med. 2024 Apr;83(4):340-50. Epub 2024 Jan 3. Access the abstract on PubMed®.

SOPS Additional Resources

SOPS Additional Resources: Find links to resources that can help to improve safety culture for the SOPS surveys and Frequently Asked Questions.

Surveys on Patient Safety Culture (SOPS)

Surveys on Patient Safety Culture (SOPS): Explore AHRQ's Surveys on Patient Safety Culture™ (SOPS®) surveys and supplemental items designed to capture provider and staff perceptions of patient safety culture in their organization.

SOPS Surveys

SOPS Surveys: Explore SOPS® surveys and supplemental items designed to capture provider and staff perceptions of patient safety culture in their organization.

Diagnostic Safety Supplemental Items for Medical Office SOPS

Diagnostic Safety Supplemental Items for Medical Office SOPS: The SOPS® Diagnostic Safety Supplemental Items for the Medical Office Survey are designed to be used in conjunction with the core Medical Office SOPS to help medical offices assess the extent to which their organizations support the diagnostic process, accurate diagnoses, and communication around diagnoses. The supplemental items may be added to the end of the Medical Office Survey, just before the Background Questions (Section H), to assess content in areas not included in the core questionnaire. The Diagnostic Safety Supplemental Items were developed and pilot tested for providers and staff and ask for their opinions about their medical office’s processes around diagnosis.

Streamlining Drug Development and Improving Patient Care: CDER Quantitative Medicine Center of Excellence CDER Conversation: Streamlining Drug Development and Improving Patient Care: CDER Quantitative Medicine Center of Excellence In this CDER Conversation, Rajanikanth Madabushi, lead for CDER’s Quantitative Medicine (QM) Center of Excellence (CoE) and associate director for Guidance and Scientific Policy in the Office of Clinical Pharmacology in the Office of Translational Science Super Office explains the purpose of the new CoE, provides an overview of current activities and resources, and shares ways the CoE can advance drug development and improve patient care.